Pierre Mouganie

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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Simon Fraser University (SFU) where I work as an applied microeconomist. I received my PhD in economics from Texas A&M University. In my research, I use quasi-experimental methods to provide insight into policy issues related to the education and labor market. I explore the extent to which school and college quality impact students' future outcomes. Recently, I have also taken an interest in understanding how peers and role models impact students' choices, particularly as they relate to the STEM gender gap. I also serve as an editorial board member at the Economics of Education Review. I am also a Research Affiliate at IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor and a contributor at the Annenberg EdWorking Paper Series

You can find my CV here  and you can contact me at  pierre_mouganie@sfu.ca                        

Research Interests: Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Public Economics   

Research Statement