
My substantive research spans the fields of comparative politics and comparative and international political economy. I do not restrict my attention to narrowly-defined geographic areas, and I tend to think about problems in comparative perspective. I also favor case studies whenever institutional design and historical accidents provide the opportunity to study some central political science questions in a clean and potentially well-identified way. I am willing to use lab experiments to understand mechanisms at the level of individual decisions. 

A Popular Backlash against Globalization (with Italo Colantone and Gianmarco Ottaviano). Critical Sociology, 2024.

The Social Footprint of Globalisation: Towards the Introduction of Strategic Industries in Quantitative Trade Models (with Italo Colantone and Gianmarco Ottaviano). Spatial Economic Analysis, 2023.

Climate Change Experiences Raise Environmental Concerns and Promote Green Voting (with Roman Hoffmann, Raya  Muttarak, and Jonas Peisker). Nature Climate Change, 2022

Individual Vulnerability to Industrial Robot Adoption Increases Support for the Radical Right (with Massimo Anelli and Italo Colantone). PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021.

The Backlash of Globalization (with Italo Colantone and Gianmarco Ottaviano). Chapter in the 5th Volume of the Handbook of International Economics, edited by Gita Gopinath, Elhanan Helpman, and Kenneth S. Rogoff. 2022.

The Surge of Economic Nationalism in Western Europe. (with Italo Colantone). Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2019.

Fighting Populism on its Own Turf: Experimental Evidence. (with Vincenzo Galasso, Massimo Morelli, and Tommaso Nannicini).

The Economic Determinants of the "Cultural Backlash": Globalization and Attitudes in Western Europe. (with Italo Colantone) Work in progress.

Group Membership, Structural Inequality, and Preferences For Redistribution. (with Paolo Belardinelli) 

The Trade Origins of Economic Nationalism: Import Competition and Voting Behavior in Western Europe. (with Italo Colantone) American Journal of Political Science, 2018.

Global Competition and Brexit. (with Italo Colantone)  American Political Science Review, 2018.

Political Polarization in Retrospective Economic Evaluations during Recessions and Recoveries. Electoral Studies, 2013

Church-State Separation and Redistribution. (with John Huber) Journal of Public Economics, 2011.

The “Crime Emergency” in Italy: Media Content and Polarization of Public Opinion. Dormant manuscript, but readable. Available upon request.

Sowing The Mafia: A Natural Experiment .(with Paolo Pinotti) Work in progress.

Regulation of Speech and Media Coverage of Corruption: An Empirical Analysis of the Mexican Press.

American Journal of Political Science, 2015.

Considerations on the Method of Constructing Governance Indices. In Governance Indicators: Approaches, Progress, Promise, Oxford University Press 2018

Governance Indicators: Some Proposals. (with Mark Kayser). In Governance Challenges and Innovations: Financial and Fiscal Governance, Oxford University Press 2013

Proposals to Improve the Index of Corruption. (with Andrew Gelman). Internal memo for Transparency International. Available upon request.