Piero Stanig

I am Associate Professor of Political Science (with tenure) at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. During the calendar years 2022 to 2024 I was on leave from Bocconi, and a Visiting Associate Professor at Yale-NUS College and in the Department of Political Science at NUS.

My recent work focuses on two themes: the political consequences of structural economic change; and the material drivers of environmental concern and environmentalist voting behavior. My research has been covered by The New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Bloomberg, The Guardian, Le Monde, El País, Der Spiegel, Corriere della Sera, and Independent, and other reputable newspapers in Italy and Europe. 

My papers have appeared in (among others) the American Journal of Political Science, the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Nature Climate Change, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  

Department of Social and Political Sciences, Bocconi University
piero.stanig (at) gmail.com
piero.stanig (at) unibocconi.it
Twitter: @PStanig