
ACROSS - Analysis and control of emerging properties in evolving complex networks of stochastic systems


We seek to extend the theory of complex networks to reduce the gap with applications. Indeed, classic complex networks theory is based on a set of simplifying assumptions that are not met in most real-world applications. This research project seeks for new tools to analyse and control networks where i) the nodes coevolve with the topological structure of the graph, ii) the individual dynamics may change from node to node, and iii) the dynamical evolution of both nodes and edges may be affected by stochastic elements. Techniques for the reconstruction of time-varying networks will be tested on financial datasets, while the dynamics of zebrafish shoals will constitute an ideal testbed for the analysis of networks of stochastic systems. The project is funded by the Foundations Compagnia di San Paolo and Istituto Banco di Napoli.

The activities of the project are carried out in cooperation with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, and the University of Cartagena, Spain.

*Opening: 12 months Post-Doc position available within the project. Send email to for further details.