
Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

University of Naples Federico II

Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy

Telephone: +39 0817683862

E­mail: pietro.delellis@unina.it

Twitter: @piero_delellis

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Short Bio

Pietro De Lellis was born in Naples on the 14th April 1983. He is currently an Associate Professor of Automatic Control at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. In 2009, he obtained a Ph.D. in Automation Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, under the supervision of Profs. Garofalo and di Bernardo. His thesis focused on novel adaptive strategies for synchronization and control in complex networks. He spent six months at the Polytechnic Institute of NYU, Brooklyn, as a visiting Ph.D. student from January to July 2009. On January 2010, he won the competition for a two-years Post-doctoral scholarship funded by the project Forgiare. On April 2010, he was appointed Visiting Professor at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of NYU, where he gave the course of Automatic Control. From 2010 to 2014, he was Adjunct Professor at the Accademia Aeronautica (the Italian equivalent of the Air Force Institute of Technology), where he gave the course of Introduction to Dynamical Systems. During the summer periods, from 2012 to 2014, he was Postdoctoral Fellow at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, and he worked on the projects ‘‘Collaborative research: Geometry of group behaviors with application to fish schooling’’ and ‘‘CAREER: Guidance and control of fish shoals using bio-mimetic robots’’. On September 2012, he won the competition for a two-years Post-doctoral scholarship at the University of Naples Federico II funded by the project MASTRI. His current research activity is focused on