Other interests

* I believe both data and people are imperfect, but capable of great things:

Love data and people, clearly I am a Demographer, this love materializes in the website co-created and co-sustained with Bernardo Lanza Queiroz: The Latin American Human Mortality Database (www.lamortalidad.org).

To build up the database we have contacted Oficial Statistical Bureaus that provided electronic files with recent data, and I have visited the most impressive collections on Latin American data: U.C. Berkeley, Stanford University, U.T. Austin and Harvard University to collect printed material on demographic data

* My heroes are Nairo Quintana, Caterine Ibargüen, Mariana Pajón, Orlando Duque, Sofía Gómez U., Egan Bernal and the Colombian Soccer Team, and I consider Colombia is the definition of beauty

* Data and sports are not incompatible, if you like at least one of the two start following www.golyfutbol.com

* Overpopulation is not a problem by itself, the pressure on the environment is due to over consumption and waste

* The world will keep on aging and this is not a problem, instead a great achievement as human kind. Besides we get happier as we age, thus the future will hold a much happier version of today