2021 - 2022

2021 - 2022 (University of Siena - docenza a contratto)

Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences

    • Logic and cognition - Logic and AI: how logic enriched AI? What are the limits of a purely logical approach to AI? Introduction to AI-relevant (propositional and first-order) logic; history of, and introduction to main positions in AI; fruitful interaction between logic and AI (interpretation of languages and formal systems, automated deduction, knowledge representation); limits of logic (non-monotonic logics, new applications of modal logic, Minsky's frames and connectionist models); informal approaches to AI and some philosophical theories in the background


  • Handbook
    S. Russell & P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach (ch. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 28)

  • Papers
    J. Haugeland, What is mind design?
    J. McCarthy, Programs with common sense
    D. McDermott, A critique of pure reason
    M. Minsky, A framework for representing knowledge
    A. Newell & H. A. Simon, Computer science as empirical inquiry
    P. Smolensky, Connectionist modeling: neural computation / mental connections