2020 - 2021

2020 - 2021 (Aix-Marseille University - ATER)

Department of Science

    • Logique Langage Calcul 1 - the analysis of the logical structure from Aristotle to Frege; Aristotle's theory of syllogism; Frege's theory of quantification; classical vs intuitionistic logic

    • Logique Langage Calcul 2.1 - syntax and semantics for propositional and first-order logic; some meta-theorems about logical consequence, validity and logical equivalence in propositional logic; introduction to quantification theory

    • Logique Langage Calcul 2.2 - introduction to naïve set-theory; membership, powerset and containment; equality, intersection, union, complement; cartesian product, relations, order relations, equivalence relations; functions; Cantor theorem, Bernstein-Cantor theorem

    • Logique Langage Calcul 2.3 - the philosophy of the continuum; Bergson, Dedekind, Poincaré

    • Systèmes du Monde 1 - cosmologies of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance; the Copernican revolution; Copernicus, Bruno, Brahe, Kepler, plus minor authors (e.g. Sacrobosco, von Peuerbach, Regiomontanus, Rheticus, Maestlin)

    • Systèmes du Monde 2 - Comte's Discours sur l'esprit positif

    • Figure du Pouvoir 2 - sociology of scientific controversies; the controversy between Pasteur and Pouchet about spontaneous generation; the controversy over Semmelweis's aetiologic theory of puerperal fever

    • Histoire des Sciences [on-line] - (historical part) the history of astronomy from Aristotle and Ptolemy to Kepler; (philosophical part) Kuhn's The structure of scientific revolutions and the debate on Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions (Popper, Lakatos, Feyerabend)

Department of Philosophy

    • Logique 1 - an introduction to the syntax and semantics of propositional logic; from natural languages to formal languages; formal languages and operations over them; connectives as truth-functions; truth-tables; logical consequence, validity and logical equivalence

    • Logique 1 [on-line] - an introduction to the syntax and semantics of propositional logic; from natural languages to formal languages; formal languages and operations over them; connectives as truth-functions; truth-tables; logical consequence, validity and logical equivalence