I am DFG Researcher at the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center (University of Tübingen), with a project on a Kuhnian-Lakatosian interpretation of the opposition between realism and constructivism in logic and the foundations of mathematics. I am also adjunct professor at the University of Siena (Dept. of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences).
I am also member of Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), Associazione Italiana di Logica e Applicazioni (AILA), European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics (ESPM), Groupe de Recherche "Philosophie des Mathématiques" (PhilMat), Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze (SILFS), Società Italiana di Studi sulla Scienza e la Tecnologia (STS Italia), The Proof Society and The PTS-Network. I am also involved in the organisation of the Naples Seminar Series in the History of Logic.
Email me at antonio.piccolomini-daragona[@]uni-tuebingen.de.
My profiles on Academia, ArXiV, dblp, Google Scholar, HAL, Iris, ORCID, ResearchGate and WoS (and Mathematics Genealogy). My CV can be found here (the link shows the pdf together with its read-only LaTeX code. To see the pdf only, click on "Layout" top right in the page, and select "PDF only").