Entangled photon sources I

Engineering optimal performance of sources

The team actively investigates designs and concepts for the generation of entangled photon pairs, and evaluates if these designs are suitable for implementation into portable instruments, such as SPEQS. Contact us if you wish to be involved in research and development of entangled photon pair sources.

The photon pairs are typically generated via the Spontaneous Parametric Downconversion (SPDC) process where an individual pump photon within an appropriate non-linear material is sometimes split into a pair of lower energy photons, while obeying energy and momentum conservation. Entangled photon pairs can be used for quantum communication, but also for clock synchronisation and quantum sensing. One objective of R&D in this field is to understand how the collection of the photon pairs can be optimized.

In 2019, we published a paper that confirmed a theoretical prediction from 1972, that the pump shape matters quite a bit when optimizing the production of SPDC light for collection. This is because the intrinsic walk-off of the pump beam within the material typically leads to an elliptical shape for the output SPDC light. By tailoring the major axis of the pump ellipse to the direction of the walk-off, an improvement can be obtained. See the concept explained in Figure 1.This is important to note, because it is a major departure from the traditional approach to assume the Boyd-Kleinman parameter for all directions, and to use a circular symmetric beam for pump and collection.

Fig. 1. (a) Side view of the pump spatial walk-off (blue line) within the crystal. The collinear SPDC emission is depicted by red arrows. The dotted line is the crystal’s optical axis. (b) Sketch adapted from [12] representing the overlap between the pump beam (solid lines) and the downconversion beams (dotted lines), depicting the importance of controlling the pump focusing in order to maximize the overlap. (c) Collinear SPDC emission profile at the exit face of the crystal when the major axis of the pump ellipse (inset) is parallel to the walk-off direction. (d) Same as (c) but the ellipse major axis is rotated by 90◦. (e) Experimental setup, 1: single-mode fiber pump output, 2: collimation lens (focal length: 4.02 mm), 3: cylindrical lens 1 (CL1), 4: cylindrical lens 2 (CL2), 5: focusing lens (FL), 6: BBO crystal, 7-8: dichroic mirror and long-pass filter, respectively, to remove excess pump light, 9: achromatic collection lens; 10: single-mode fiber, 11: photon separation via a dichroic mirror followed by coincidence detection setup.

We modeled the predicted improvement in performance, and also experimentally confirmed the results. These are seen in Figure 2. The normalised detection efficiency of the source is almost 80,000 observed pairs per second per mW, using a pair of Silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (with nominal detection efficiencies of 50%). Even using less than optimal detectors, we have broken the record for pair production using crystals with walk-off in the SPDC process. This was a CQT Highlight article. In this 2019 paper, we used an asymmetric pump and a circular collection beam. Should we use also an asymmetric collection beam as the next step?

Fig. 2. Results for the regime where the major axis of the pump ellipse is parallel to the walk-off direction. (a) Simulated in-fiber brightness at different collection beam waists for different pump aspect ratios. The shaded area indicates 1 s.d. confidence interval assuming Poisson statistics. (b) CCD camera images of the pump at the crystal position. (c) Experimentally observed brightness at different collection beam waists for different pump aspect ratios.

The pump shape is not the only thing that matters. The interplay between the pump size, and collection beam size and the walk-off is also important. In 2016, we published a paper describing the interplay of walk-off with beam sizes. The results are available in a paper called "Thick-crystal regime in photon pair sources" from the journal Optica. This paper was also featured on CQT's Highlights page. Is there a way to combine all these observations into a single model? This is an open question, and we are working on it!

Fig. 3. The experimental setup for collecting the emitted photon pairs.

Fig. 4. The collection efficiency and brightness observed for different pump and collection beam parameters.