PHS'55 Alumni Association



THE YEAR 1955: Graduation Day The Honor Graduates, News: Garcia leads 695 graduates. Rivera is class salutatorian, Validictory Address, Salutatory Address & Directory of 1955 Graduating Class

THE YEAR 1955: The Pampangan, Graduation Issue Cover, about the cover, Editorial, Messages, Other News Items, Columns, "What The Juniors Said To Us", "What We Told The Juniors",

Those Were The Days Contributions from classmates in the form of old pictures, write-ups and other forms which highlight events when we were in high school.

THROUGH THE YEARS From 1955 to the Jubilee Year, so many things happened. What were they? Let's chronicle them.

AT THE HELM through the years Who were the people who moulded this association into what it is today? Vibrant and moving.

The 55ers: Where Are They? Some have responded, however, those who have taken for granted that they are members of an illustrious clan, we will search for them and offer our warm welcome to the fold.

The PHS'55 Alumni Diamond (60th) Jubilee Affair. We will upload PHS'55 Association happenings on our 60th year anniversary (2015).

The Emerald Anniversary (Cinco Cincuentanaryo) We will upload the preparations, association reolutions and all other relevant news on the PHS'55th Anniversary Celebration.

The Golden Jubilee site: This is the permanent repository of our records on the Golden Jubilee celebrations, preparations, post jubilee celebrations, pictures, write-ups, et. al.

A Guide to USERS A suggested Guide to ALL our PHS'55 Materials and Links can not yet be undertaken due to its transition to our new site.

email: phs55alumni@gmail.com

TO related sites: PHS'55 Golden Anniversary Homepage

Golden Anniversary Photos

( post Golden, pre-Centennial, Centennial

& post-centennial)

55'ers Current Photo Albums

PHS 1956 Website (inactive)

PHS 1954 Website (inactive)

PHS Centennial Website (inactive)

Federation Website (inactive)