Purpose and Goals


The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is to promote the development of leadership qualities, especially among pharmacy students. By peer recognition, the Society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities. Since membership crosses fraternal and organizational lines, the Society does not compete with other pharmacy organizations.

Phi Lambda Sigma is complementary to Rho Chi in that it recognizes leadership while Rho Chi recognizes scholastic achievement. Phi Lambda Sigma honors leadership. Members are selected by peer recognition. No greater honor can be bestowed upon an individual than to be recognized as a leader by one’s peers. Such recognition instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages the less active student to a more active role and promotes greater effort toward the advancement of pharmacy.

The Society describes a “leader” as a “do-er” in pharmacy, one who gets the job done. It avoids the stigma of being called an “officer’s club” by recognizing performance, not the office.

To apply for membership you must be a third, fourth, fifth, or sixth year pharmacy student enrolled in the School of Pharmacy–Boston at MCPHS University (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences) with a professional grade point average meeting the requirements set forth by the university for your respective year of graduation.


For more information about PLS, please visit www.PhiLambdaSigma.org