Jeannies PD145

(Official no. 119614)

From the Crew List Index Project (CLIP) database, the following information is recorded against "managing owners" of Jeannies

Errata: Historically there has been some possible "confusion" as mention made of an ex-MAFF vessel, for clarity not with regard to the MFV Marigold PD145 mentioned above, but rather the original S/S Marigold PD81 built in Aberdeen by Alexander Hall & co.

Sister ship to Peggy PD149, this ship was built in 1907 by Alexander Hall &co, Aberdeen (Yard Number 419) .

Further information is available from

After World War II when the Duncans MFV Marigold was registered, the registration "PD81" was no longer available, but PD145 (formerly associated with this ship Jeannies PD145) was available and so the second Marigold in the family became registered as PD145.

Note: After the second world war, there were two sister ships build by R Irvin & Sons, Speedwell PD259 & Fear Not (originally built for John Leask of Aberdeen in 1958 and registered A249). Speedwell PD259 sank in 1967 in the Minch after a collision with another boat from Fraserburgh. Fear Not was then bought and registered as PD81 in 1967 Fear Not sold in 1976 to Stornoway and was renamed Northern Star SY11 - scrapped in the 1990s.

There has been some speculation that it could have been due to the registration of PD81 Fear Not, that MFV Marigold coud not be given the same registration, but subsequently registered PD145.

S/S PD 145 Jeannies

S/S PD 145 Jeannies