About Me

My name is Keith Duncan, great-grandson of Alexander Duncan (b.1870) of "East Moorings", Ugie Street, Peterhead. East Moorings was the first "new" house in Ugie Street back in the day - beside "the brig" (no nae at brig at sea, the choo-choo brig) which is long since gone, but a term* which is still in use in Peterhead to this day, although for many newcomers to the Bloo toon, I imagine they may need a little guidance as to far ats at, and mebee still look puzzled aboot 'at funny wye folk are spikin' and often dinnae hae a cloo fit fowk are saying.

*the brig is an old term - a bit like the "four pluntins", and nethin tae dee wi' choo-choos at a' but mebee mair like coo-coos, ken like a moo-moo coo, aye 'ats richt.

Weel I used tae bide up in Peterheid and bid ther maybe best pairt o' 15 year. I moved awa' fae the bloo toon in 1991 but still have many a fond memory. Hurdie gurdies doon the Gadle Braes (no health and safety then and grazed hands and knees part of daily life). Visits to "Tony the tortoise" at the bottom of Ware Road, tales o' "the green pier" at Buchanhaven, trips around the harbour and endless "stories" from my father. Periodically I might reflect back and at one point maybe thocht - 15 year, 'ats near half my life, but this year (2021) maybe feeling a wee bitty aulder as I approach half a century (but that's nae auld at a' - nae really, I know this much is true when my youngest daughter asked me not so long ago "Dad, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I had to stop and think for a bit and I smiled and laughed and wonder right enough - when will I grow up...

Well after studying at RGU (RGIT), and leaving behind the joys of working at Connors in Boddam and Strachans in Windmill Street, these days I'm working down at Dundee Uni, married, four kids.

Please feel free to Get in Touch or look me up on Twitter @ kmduncan