Thanks for visiting my homepage. 

I'm ranked in the top 3% of cited authors in economics (RePEc) over the whole sample and in the top 2% for the last 10 years. I am in the top 4% of paper downloads from ResearchGate. My Google Scholar metrics are: h-index 33, i10-index 62. 

My work has been published in many leading journals including the American Economic Review, Review of Economics & Statistics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, AEA Papers & Proceedings, Journal of Business Economics & Statistics, European Economic Review, Journal of Money, Credit & Banking, and many others.

I work at the Research Department at the European Central Bank. I have also been a Research Fellow at Strathclyde , a lecturer at Kent, and have held visiting positions at Surrey,  MIT, and Berkeley.

In addition to the sheets on the left-hand menu, here are some other sites which list some of my work and activities: 

To contact me use, pmcadamp at

Last update: 17th June 2024 

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