Christmas Party at the Boys and Girls Club December 20th, 2022

We need Volunteers!

On Tuesday, December 20th we are sponsoring the Christmas Party at the local Boy and Girls Club. We are providing a dinner for everyone (Children + parents) and will have them build "ginger bread structures" with graham crackers, icing, and candy. Volunteers are needed to help spread holiday cheer and assist with the activity. Volunteers are welcome to bring their own children to participate in this event at no charge.

The event will run from 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. We will need volunteers at 5:30 P.M. to help set up.

Click the link here to register as a volunteer. If you can't make it, but still want to help out, there's an option to donate to help out with supplies for the activity.

When: Tuesday, December 20th from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Where: Boys and Girls Club, 2751 N. H Street, Pensacola, FL 32501