Research Papers

Accepted and Forthcoming Papers

"The Impact of Forward Guidance and Large-scale Asset Purchase Programs on Commodity Markets," with S. Rafiq and W. Yao. Accepted at Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics.

Published Papers

"Normalizing the Central Bank's Balance Sheet: Implications for Inflation and Debt Dynamics," with B. Dominguez (2023)  Journal Money Credit and Banking.

"Optimal Taxes Under Private Information: The Role of the Inflation," with C. Waller (2023)  Journal Money Credit and Banking.

"Gold as a Financial Instrument," with S. Shi and D. Tan. (2022)  Journal of Commodity Markets, p.100218.

"Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in a Frictional Model of Fiat Money, Nominal Public Debt and Banking"; European Economic Review with Saroj Dhital and Joseph H. Haslag (2021).

"A model of endogenous financial inclusion: implications for inequality and monetary policy,"  Journal of Money Credit and Banking; with M. Ait Lahcen (2021). 

"Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Currency Union with Frictional Goods Markets," Macroeconomic Dynamics, with C. Zhang (2021). 

"Real Consequences of Open Market Operations: the Role of Limited Commitment,"  European Economic Review, with  F. Carli, (2021).

"On the Time Inconsistency of Optimal Policies In Frictional Environments With Multiple Goods," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, with B. Dominguez, (2021).

"The Role of Search Frictions in the Long-Run Relationships  Between Inflation, Unemployment and Capital,European Economic Review, with S. Huangfu and H. Sun, (2020) vol. 123(C). 

"Fiscal Requirements for Dynamic and Real Determinacies in Economies with Private Provision of Liquidity: A Monetarist Assessment", (2020) Journal of Money Credit and Banking, vol. 52(1), pages 229-267, February.

"Fiat Money as a Public Signal, Medium of Exchange, and Punishment,The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, with C.J. Sun, (2020) 20(2), pages 1-11, June.

"The effects of secondary markets for government bonds on inflation dynamics," Review of Economic Dynamics, (2019) vol. 32, pages 249-273, April, with B. Dominguez

"Winners and Losers from the Euro", with L. Puzzello, (2018). European Economic Review.

"Competitive Search with Ex-post Opportunism," with B. Julien and L. Wang. (2018). The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics.

"Evolutionary stability of bargaining and price posting: implications for formal and informal activities" with N. Anbarci and M. Pivato. (2018) in Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

"Adopting New Technologies in the Classroom: A Strategic Analysis", with J. Rodrigues-Neto. (2018)  Economic Modelling, 73, 329-342.

"Nominal Exchange Rate Determinacy under the Threat of Counterfeiting,” with T. Kam and C. Waller. (2017)  American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 9(2): 256-273.

"Informative Advertising in Directed Search," with B. Julien and C. Wang. (2017) International Economic Review, 58(3), 783-806 .

"The role of dietary choices and medical expenditures on health outcomes when health shocks are endogenous," Economic Modelling (2016) Richard Suen and Solmaz Moslehi.

"Optimal Second Best Taxation of Addictive Goods"  The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Topics) (2014) with L. Bossi and D. Kelly.

"The Shadow Economy as an Equilibrium Outcome" Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2014) with A. Peralta-Alva and C. Waller.

"Money, Capital, And Exchange Rate Fluctuations," International  Economic Review (2013) with T. Kam and J. Lee.

"Optimal Monetary Policy in a Model of Money and Credit" Journal Money, Credit and Banking, (2013), with D Sanches.

"Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policies In a Search-theoretic Model of Money and Unemployment" Macroeconomic Dynamics, (2013), with B. Julien and C. Wang.

"Money, Capital And Exchange Rate Fluctuations," International Economic Review, (2013), with T. Kam, & J. Lee, Junsang.

"The divergence between core and headline inflation: Implications for consumers’ inflation expectations," Journal of Macroeconomics; (2013) with V. Arora and S Shi.

"An Empirical Analysis of Patents Flows and R&D Flows around the World" Applied Economics; (2012) with R. Kumazawa.

"New Technologies in Higher Education: Lower Attendance and Worse Learning Outcomes" Agenda (2012) with J. Meinecke and J Rodrigues-Neto

"A Note on Income Heterogeneity, Dietary Choice and Medical Services: Implications for Health Outcomes" Economics Bulletin (2011) with J. Lee

"Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policies in a Search Theoretic Model of Monetary Exchange" European Economic Review, (2010), with A. Peralta-Alva.

"A Geometric Description of a Macroeconomic Model with a Center Manifold" Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2009); with A. Haro.

"Consequences of Modeling Habit Persistence"; Macroeconomic Dynamics (2009); with L. Bossi.

"Global Dynamics, Credit Rationing and Hyperinflations"; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2007) with A. Haro.

 "Market Structure and the Banking Sector" Economics Bulletin (2007); with B. Julien.

"The Seasonality of Banking Failures During the Late National Banking Era"  Canadian Journal of Economics (2006); with B. Smith.

"Deficit Financing in Overlapping Generation Economies with Habit Persistence"; Economics Bulletin (2006); with L. Bossi.

"Dollar Denominated Accounts in Latin America During the 1990s"  Journal of Economics and Finance (2005); with C. Serrano and A. Somuano.

"Global Dynamics in Macroeconomics: An Overlapping Generations Example" Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2003); with A. Haro.

"Seasonality And Monetary Policy" Macroeconomic Dynamics (2003); with B. Smith.

"Multiple Reserve Requirements in a Monetary Growth Model" Economic Theory (2002).

"When Should Monetary Policy Favor the Wealthy?"  Journal of Economic Theory (2001).

"Money, Banks and Endogenous Volatility" Economic Theory (2000).

You can find more information about Pedro's research at the IDEAS page.

Copyright © Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, 2014. All rights reserved.