2014 Statement

"Peace for the Sea, From the Islands to the World"

Statement by Korean and Overseas Delegates to the 2014 International Peace Camp

We, sharing parallel backgrounds and many common experiences, are gathered here in Gangjeong Village for this ‘Peace for the Sea’ camp from across four different continents in order to form new bonds of friendship and promote peace among Okinawa, Taiwan, and Jeju.

As witnesses of conscience who do not believe in limiting peace within borders, we feel that the building of this naval base is wrong and a clear violation of local and international law. As members of the global community, we are also appalled that the construction of this naval base is poised to destroy the fragile ecology of an island renowned throughout the world for its natural beauty and geological significance.

The projected impact of this base would forever change the character of the island and ruin Jeju’s pristine environment. It would also cause Jeju Islanders, who are still overcoming the collective trauma of their sad history, to suffer a similar sadness again.

Here on Jeju, we are furthermore inspired by the courage and integrity of those who have long opposed militarism and state violence in Okinawa, Taiwan and on other islands in East Asia. We also share a close kinship with the sea, and we embrace our duty to protect the right to peaceful oceans which are our common human inheritance. We therefore declare the following principles in the name of peace on Jeju, Okinawa and Taiwan:

NO bases

NO violence

NO killing

NO war

NO nukes

NO destruction of nature

We challenge the manifestations of state violence on Okinawa, Taiwan and Jeju. Given that reducing military tensions in Northeast Asia is essential to promoting peace throughout the world, all three islands must be demilitarized and restored to their former long-standing existence as peaceful communities. For the sake of a more secure future in Northeast Asia and for the world, we urgently call for a newly Demilitarized Peace Zone without military bases in Okinawa, Taiwan, Jeju and East Asia.

This statement was written collaboratively by participants of the International Peace Camp.

August 6, 2014