2024 Peace for the Sea Camp: 

We are linked by the sea of peace! 

Dates: Fri., Aug. 30 to Mon., Sept. 2, 2024

Place: Jeju

Number of participants: 50 

Participation fee: 220,000 won (including food and lodging) (up to age 18: 180,000 won)

Application deadline: July 22 (Monday) *Applications are closed. 

Contact: (email) peaceforsea@gmail.com

Hosted by: Inter-Island Solidarity Peace for the Sea Camp Preparation Team

On Jeju, our beloved island, sweetfish leap against the current. Dolphins swim playfully. Different kinds of seaweed grow. The tangerine tree in front of our house grows old. The waves splash on the shore. They tell a story.

On Jeju, our beloved island, US nuclear submarines come and go from the Jeju Naval Base. So we gather in front of the base at 7 am and 12 pm. We gather together in defense of life. Not to practice killing but to practice building relationships. In front of soldiers with guns, in front of warships, in front of Gangjeong Village’s "Gureombi" rock that was buried under the base, we speak out.

On Jeju, our beloved island, they're building another big airport that might be used as an air force base. The airport will carve up and destroy Jeju's beautiful landscape of oreum (volcanic cones) and sumgol (“breathing” caves). Elementary schools will close and birds will lose their resting places. Airports invite destruction, just as bases invite destruction. Just as in 1937, airplanes from Alddreu Airfield, Jeju, were used to bomb civilians in Nanjing. 

On Jeju, our beloved island, they’re planning to build the Hanwha Space Center to launch countless rockets and satellites. Each rocket launch, with its roar and smoke, punctures the ozone layer. Space is becoming a giant military base with more satellites than stars. Space is being polluted. At a frighteningly fast rate.

Jeju is in a whirlwind of militarization. Just as many islands are. If East Asians who resist militarism meet together, our meeting will be a source of strength. We are confident that together, connected by the sea, we can make a difference. 

In 2014, we held the first Peace for the Sea Camp in Jeju, believing that peace has no borders, and we have met since then in Okinawa, Taiwan, Ishigaki, Jeju, Kinmen, and Miyako.

In 2024, still believing that peace has no borders, we shall hold the 8th Peace for the Sea Camp in Jeju. We invite our friends to our beloved island, Jeju.