Concluded projects

[9] giCases – Creating a University-Enterprise Alliance for a Spatially Enabled Society. Co-funded by the EU Erasmus + Programme,, 20017-2019. Team Member by NOVA IMS

[8] GI-N2K – Geographical Information: Need to Know. Funded by the EU Erasmus Lifelong Learning Program, , 20014-2016. Team Member by NOVA IMS.

[7] SIM4SECURITY - Forecast and Spatial Analysis Model for Public Security (PTDC/ATP-DEM/1538/2014). Project led by the Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais (IPRI/UNL). Project funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. Task leader: Implementation of Advanced Spatial Analysis Methods: Implementing Spatially Dynamic Clusters and Modelling Land Cover Change Predictive Model, 2015-2017.

[6] Lyonnaise des eaux, Water policies in the Gironde estuary. 2012-2014. Team member through UMR AMURE.

[5] IDEALG, 2011-2021, ANR Investissements d’Avenir. Coord. CNRS/UPMC Station biologique Roscoff. Aspects Economiques et Sociaux du secteur des algues. Team member through UMR AMURE.

[4] VALMER: Valuing Ecosystem Services In The Western Channel. Eleven partner, €4.7 million project co-funded by the INTERREG IV A Channel programme through the European Regional Development Fund. Team member through UMR AMURE. 2012-2015.

[3] LanDyn – Land use and cover change in Continental Portugal: characterization, driving forces and future scenarios (PTDC/CS-GEO/101836/2008). Project lead by the Portuguese Geographical Institute. Project funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. Task leader: Modelling Land Use and Land Cover (LUCC) future scenarios (2000-2040), 2010-2013.

[2] Modernization of Master Program Networks & Communications, European Commission, Tempus IV (159386-TEMPUS-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR). Leader of the consortium: Technical University of Munich (TUM). Members: ISEGI-NOVA, UPC of Barcelona and 4 Russian Universities (TPU, SFU, ISTU e MIET). Coordinator of ISEGI-NOVA, 2010-2013

[1] MarGOV, Governância Colaborativa de Áreas Marinhas Protegidas (Collaborative Governance of Marine Protected Areas), funded by Fundação C. Gulbenkian / Oceanário de Lisboa, 2009-2011, team member