Pedro Cabral

Full Professor

NUIST - Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, School of Remote Sensing and Geomatics Engineering

Pedro Cabral (PC) is Full Professor at NUIST, China. He was Associate Professor with Hab. in GIS at NOVA IMS until 2023. He got a PhD Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France (2006). He holds a MSc in GIS (IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa). He was a post-doc Researcher at UMR AMURE (Ifremer-UBO, Brest) where he worked in marine and terrestrial ecosystem services (2012-2014). His research interests are Ecosystem Services and Geographical Information Systems. He has published in top academic journals, such as Ecosystem Services, Marine Policy, Land Use Policy, Biological Conservation, Journal of Cleaner Production, among many others. He is associate editor of the Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE) and editorial board member of Geographies (MDPI). PC has been listed on the Scopus World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021 and 2022. He is a committee member for major international conferences including AGILE and IGARSS. PC is Principal Investigator of 2 research projects related to Ecosystem Services, GIS and Remote Sensing funded by Portuguese Science Foundation. He has coordinated work packages in 4 research projects and participated as team member in 10 research projects. PC is PI in 1 capacity building project funded by ERASMUS+. He has coordinated 5 work packages and participated as team member in 3 capacity building projects. He has (co)supervised 124 MSc concluded thesis and 7 PhD concluded thesis.


Post-doc researcher at UMR AMURE, research unit of the French Institute of Marine Research (IFREMER) and the Univ. of Western Brittany (UBO), Brest, France

EHESS Paris, Docteur en Mathématiques et Applications aux Sciences de l’Homme

IST UTL, MSc in Geographical Information Systems

ISEGI NOVA, Graduation in Statistics and Information Management


Associate Editor of the Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE)

Special issue co-editor: Open Data for Open Cites (OD4OC): Reuse of Open Data through Spatial Analysis, Information journal. September 2018

Special issue editor: Entropy for Sustainable and Resilient Urban Future, Entropy journal. September 2016

Special issue editor: Entropy and Urban Sprawl, Entropy journal. April 2013


MASOT – Monitoring Ecosystem Services from Earth Observation, 2021. Project funded by  FCT (EXPL/CTA-AMB/0165/2021). Principal Investigator. 2022-2023. 

MozambES – Payments for mangrove ecosystem services in Mozambique, 2021. Projecto financiado pela Fundação Aga Khan (FCT-AGAKHAN / 541744715 / 2019. Financiamento total: 249957,74 €. Work-package leader by NOVA IMS

Joule - Data Journalism Courses for Higher Education, 2021. Joint research project funded under the Erasmus+ Programme.Call KA220-HED (Italian Agency for E+) Ref.2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000030349. Work-package leader  by NOVA IMS.

ASEBIO – Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in Portugal, 2018. Project funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (PTDC/CTA-AMB/28438/2017 ). Funding: 239903 euros. Principal Investigator. 2017-2021.

GEONATURA – Open educational resources platform for Geomatics applications to social and environmental issues. Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for higher education, 2017-1-PT01-KA203-035799. Consortium leader Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Partners: UT Delft, Univ. Firenze and Univ. of Glasgow, 2017-2020. Funding: 247988 euros. Principal Investigator.

CRUSTAPANHA - Contribution to the sustainable management of small mud crabs fisheries. Projeto 16-01-04-FMP-0005. Project leader: Universidade do Algarve. Task coordinator by NOVA IMS.

e-VIVA - Enhancing and Validating servIce related competences in Versatile learning environments in Western BAlkan Universities (e-VIVA). Erasmus + KA2, Capacity Building in the field of higher education, 598307-EPP-1-2018-1-ALEPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Project leader: European University of Tirana. Work-package leader by NOVA IMS. 2018-2022

Datalit - Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business. Erasmus + Knowledge Alliance, 612561-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA. Project leader: CNR Italy. Work-package leader by NOVA IMS. 2020-2022