
Volunteer Positions

There are primarily two volunteer positons available:  Launch Field and Recovery.  There are additional volunteer positions that are assigned by the Incident Commander (IC)

Although every attempt has been taken to provide you with the information you need to be successful during your time volunteering at the Plano Balloon Festival, we do not want to overwhelm or burden you with too much information.  Please review each section that is relevant to the position(s) you will be participating in.  It is the responsibility of the volunteer to seek out any information or get clarity about any questions they may have.  This event offers valuable training to amateurs in a safe and inviting environment, allowing the ability to have fun at the same time.

Once you have reviewed the positions below that may be of interest, please sign up here:  -- SIGN UP HERE  --

Please check the Registration Confirmation page.  If you have found an error, or have changed your mind, find the link you received in your email confirmation to make any changes.


We ask that you subscribe to the Groups.io page to receive supplemental, timely information, and to be able to ask for clarification of information found on the website.

Launch Field Volunteers

Approximately 15 volunteers are needed on the launch field.  Once the 15 positions are filled through the sign up process, the ability to sign up for Field will be closed.  It is first come, first served.

Communication Resource Function (CRF)

Launch field volunteers will be foot portable at the festival (CRF-S).  The primary task of the field volunteer is to monitor the launch field and help identify balloons by number as they lift off.  However, volunteers are encouraged to stay on site for a full shift in the event that they are needed for a non-flight related event.

Field volunteers should dress appropriately for the weather, including water resistant comfortable walking shoes, a hat, a jacket or rain coat and sunscreen.  An orange or green reflective safety vest is required.  A few extra may be available at Field Staging for checkout.

CRF - Field Operator volunteers should be generally CRF, and CRF-S capable. It is recommended that they also have flashlight, leather gloves, mosquito spray, water and comfort foods. In general, all operators should bring a 2m HT with two batteries and a headset / microphone. Speaker mics are not appropriate for the launch field due to the heightened ambient noise level.

Please review the Communication Resource Function (CRF-S) page.

Volunteers under the age of 18 

Must have the Minor Release Form (Waiver of Liability and Minor Release completed prior to the start of their respective shift.

Work Shifts

    Morning - Expect to be on site from 06:00 to 11:00

    Evening - Expect to be on site from 16:00 to 20:00 

Saturday evening typically has fireworks around 9pm, lasting approximately .5 hours. The shuttle will continue to run for a short period after the completion of the fireworks.

Parking and Shuttle - 

The parking and schedule for the shuttle may be found in the ICS documents.

Recovery Volunteers

Recovery volunteers will be vehicle portable outside the launch area, and will follow the direction of the Recovery net control and the Recovery Field Marshal(s).  Ideally, as many as 20 vehicles (40 operators) are needed for each launch.  Volunteers will follow the balloons from their vehicles and verify the safe recovery of the balloonists.

All recovery teams require at least two persons, one driver and one spotter/logger.  If you would like to work recovery, but do not have a partner or vehicle, we will pair you up at the pre-flight briefing.  So please, do not hesitate to volunteer.

Volunteers should call for information on the 147.180+ pl 107.2 repeater for status updates as well as the Yahoo Group for status updates to be made aware of the staging area for that shift.  Announcements should be made approximately 1-1.5 hours before the scheduled launch.

CRF - Recovery operator's volunteers should be generally CRF, CRF-S, CRF-M, CRF-DT capable.  It is recommended that they also have flashlight, leather gloves, mosquito spray, water and comfort foods. In general, the operating station should have a 2m, 25w or greater radio with a 5/8th's wave antenna and APRS is strongly desired.  Some loaner units are often available, but cannot be guaranteed.

Please review the Communication Resource Function (CRF) page.

Pre-flight briefing - All scheduled recovery teams are required to report and sign in at the staging area prior to the scheduled flight.

Age Restrictions - All drivers must be 21 years of age or older.  All co-pilots/loggers must be 14 years of age or older.  Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a Minor Release Form completed and submitted prior to the start of their respective shift.

Work Shifts

Morning:  06:00 hours and lasts for 1.5-2 hours* after the launch, depending on winds

Evening:  17:00 hours and lasts for 1.5-2 hours* after the launch, depending on winds. 

*Aside from the one hour prior to the scheduled launch, you should expect to be operational for 1.5-2 hours. This may increase to as much as 3 or more hours based on events that occur during the launch such as locating "lost" balloons, assisting crews with "walking out" their balloons or many other things that may happen during that time.


(Removed 2019) With the advent of this website, it is felt the information you need to get to your assisgnment supplements the need for Talk-In

Talk-In consists of 1-2 operators that are available on the air (147.180+ pl 107.2) between the morning and evening launches.  Typically the operators are positioned at the Field Ops tent, essentially keeping the equipment safeguarded.  It should be made aware that the Volunteer Shuttle does not operate during this time.

Work Shifts -

    After the completion of the morning launch.  Typically 11am - 4pm.