
Work in Progress

Wage Adjustment in Efficient Long-Term Employment Relationships (with Mike Elsby, Axel Gottfries, and Gary Solon)

Sticky Wages on the Layoff Margin (with Steven J. Davis) [NBER WP] [FRB Cleveland WP] [replication files]

Featured in Fortune (here and here), IZA World of Labor

Job Heterogeneity and Aggregate Labor Market Fluctuations

Tariffs and Goods-Market Frictions (with Andrew H. McCallum)

Advance Layoff Notices and Worker Outcomes (with Bruce Fallick, Andrew Foote, and Lee Tucker)

Reservation Wages Revisited: Empirics with the Canonical Model (with Steven J. Davis)

Refereed Publications

Advance Layoff Notices and Aggregate Job Loss (with Kurt G. Lunsford). Journal of Applied Econometrics (2024) 39(3): pp. 462-480. [journal link] [real-time data] [replication files]

Featured in Bloomberg, Seeking Alpha
Data also in Haver: Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification (WARN) Act Layoffs (e.g., miwarn@regional)

Displaced Workers and the Pandemic Recession (with Angela Guo and Meifeng Yang). Economics Letters (2023) 226: 111071 (lead article). [journal link] [replication files]

Excess Persistence in Employment of Disadvantaged Workers (with Bruce Fallick). International Journal of Central Banking (2022) 18(4): pp. 165-215. [journal link]

Featured in MNI - Market News

Goods-Market Frictions and International Trade (with Andrew H. McCallum). Journal of International Economics (2021) 129: 103411 (lead article). [journal link] [replication files]

Parental Proximity and Earnings After Job Displacements (with Patrick Coate and Mike Zabek). Labour Economics (2020) 65: 101877. [journal link] [replication files]

Choosing a Control Group for Displaced Workers. Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2018) 71(5): pp. 1232-1254. [journal link]

Job Ladders and Earnings of Displaced Workers. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (2017) 9(2): pp. 1-31 (lead article). [journal link] [replication files]

Featured in VoxEU

Federal Reserve Publications

Disability, Immigration, and Postpandemic Labor Supply (with Angela Guo). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2024).

Job Loss Consequences and the Pandemic Recession (with Angela Guo and Meifeng Yang). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2023).

Featured in Bloomberg, Crain's Cleveland Business

Semiconductor Shortages and Vehicle Production and Prices (with Kristoph Naggert). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2021).

              Featured in MNI - Market News

Short-Time Compensation: An Alternative to Layoffs during COVID-19 (with Anna Weixel). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2020).

              Featured in Bloomberg, Business Insider

Layoffs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Four Findings from WARN Act Data (with Rubén Hernández-Murillo). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland District Data Brief (2020).

Assessing Layoffs in Four Midwestern States during the Pandemic Recession (with Rubén Hernández-Murillo). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2020).

Featured in Cincinnati Business Courier

Goods-Market Frictions and International Trade (with Andrew H. McCallum). Board of Governors FEDS Notes (2020).

Using Advance Layoff Notices as a Labor Market Indicator (with Kurt G. Lunsford and Meifeng Yang). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2019).

Featured in Seeking Alpha

Parental Assistance after Job Loss (with Patrick Coate and Mike Zabek). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2018).

Featured in CityLab, Columbus Dispatch, NPR Marketplace, MarketWatch, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Measuring the True Impact of Job Loss on Future Earnings. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2017).

Parental Proximity and the Earnings Consequences of Job Loss (with Patrick Coate and Mike Zabek). Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary (2017).

Featured in Business Insider, Crain's Cleveland Business, Forbes, The Atlantic, Wall Street Journal