
Bruce Fallick (supervisor and co-author)

Senior Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

1455 E. 6th Street; Cleveland, OH 44114; USA

Tel: (216) 579 2970; Email: bruce.fallick [at]

Michael W. L. Elsby (dissertation committee co-chair and co-author)

Professor of Economics at the University of Edinburgh

31 Buccleuch Place; Edinburgh EH8 9JT; UK

Tel: +44 (0)131 650 8369; Email: mike.elsby [at]

Dmitriy Stolyarov (dissertation committee co-chair)

Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan

611 Tappan Street; Ann Arbor, MI 48109; USA

Tel: (734) 647 5609; Email: stolyar [at]

Matthew D. Shapiro (dissertation committee member)

Lawrence R. Klein Collegiate Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan

611 Tappan Street; Ann Arbor, MI 48109; USA

Tel: (734) 764 5419; Email: shapiro [at]

Brian P. McCall (dissertation committee member)

Professor of Economics, Education and Public Policy at the University of Michigan

610 East University Avenue; Ann Arbor, MI 48109; USA

Tel: (734) 647 8366; Email: bpmccall [at]

Teaching Reference

Christopher House

Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan

611 Tappan Street; Ann Arbor, MI 48109; USA

Tel: (734) 764 2364; Email: chouse [at]