Keepers! or Culls?
updated 8/28/2020-
It is a goal for hybridizers to produce new plants that are both attractive, and distinctive. I make attempts to keep up with current trends by periodically visiting growers around the country, and following new introductions on various internet websites. Nevertheless, I have to admit that I am isolated from most bromeliad hybridizers. Also, Michigan has a very challenging climate for evaluating bromeliads. Bromeliads that meet with my approval are likely to do even better in warmer climates!
I plan to post photos of some of my current and recently bloomed bromeliad hybrids. I hope at least that you will see some attractive qualities in many of them. As far as “distinctiveness”, I am most receptive to any feedback that you may have to offer. If you feel a particular plant is extremely similar to another cultivar that you know of, or, if you see a plant pictured that you think might merit being named as a cultivar, then I would love to hear from you. Please send me an email with your comments.
One of my zonates Neos. This is an intriguing selection from the grex of Neo. 'Tunisia' x 'Blushing Tiger'. I love the dark colors that 'Tunisia' imparts to its progeny, but the downside is that the markings tend to be a bit on the "murky" side. But it's colorful!
First to bloom from a grex of Vr. 'Sunset' x 'Little Chief'. Attractive foliage, and a nice, bright red spike. I have high hopes that some with darker hued foliage will produce a similar inflorescence. Photo from 8/20/09
Not the first time this one has bloomed for me. The only plant I saved from a grex of Vr. 'Golden Thread' x 'Eva' (which are grexmates registered by Herb Hill). Good color, nice branching, not too large. It has attributes of each parent, yet something has held me back from registering this one.
I waited a long time to see these flower. This is my first attempt at a bigeneric in the Tillandsioideae subfamily. From a grex of Vriesea 'Lucille' x Till. deppeana. I've already discarded the very first to bloom, but these 2 have some nice attributes. The one shown here bloomed in late summer/fall of 2012.
The most recent to bloom started blooming during the Winter of 2013. By the time I noticed it blooming, the plant had been tilted in the pot for a while. The inflorescence was leaning more than a little bit. I don't know if this would happen if I was more careful, but I'm willing to wait 2-3 years to give it another chance. The inflorescence on this one got huge!