About me

Current Position: Assistant Professor (Invited) at Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Education), Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon).


Research Interests:

Professional Activities:

Academic Affiliations:

Current Projects

ECOSCOMICS - European Co-construction of a Science Webcomics Series - "Bombastics"

More info HERE

Project founded by ERASMUS+ Key action 2)

 Ref: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000030110

"GoSTEM – Abordagem STEM e sua influência nas aprendizagens de Física, interesse e motivação" (GoSTEM - STEM approaches and its influence in the learning of physics, interest and motivation)

More info at: http://www.ie.ulisboa.pt/projetos/gostem  

Project founded by FCT:  PTDC/CED-EDG/31480/2017

Former Projects (In Portuguese) 

Title: Astronomy and Space in the initial teacher training of educators and teachers of the 1st and 2nd Basic Education ( A Astronomia e o Espaço na formação inicial de educadores e professores do 1º e 2º CEB)

More information and outputs at: AstroESE

Internal founded: ESELX/IPL-CIED/2016/A25 

(in development)