
I was involved in the organization of minisymposiums, conferences and colloquia from 2003 to 2014, and in 2013 I was active in the organization of the Canberra Python Users Group.

My main area of service to ANU through 2013 and 2014 was via NECTAR – an independent space for early career academics (ECAs) at ANU. I began 2013 as the NECTAR contact for the Mathematical Sciences Institute, and through my participation in the organization of the 2013 retreat and my concept for a seminar on innovation, became a NECTAR custodian. A custodian is an honorary name given to someone who regularly attends weekly lunchtime meetings to discuss the day-to-day issues of NECTAR and ECAs in general.

In 2013, 2014 and 2017, I participated in the CSIRO Mathematicians in Schools program. In 2013 I was not able to visit a school through factors beyond my control. In 2014 I visited Lake Tuggeranong College twice, and delivered a two-hour lesson to the Year 12 Specialist Mathematics class. In 2017, I partnered with a mathematics teacher at Albert Park College. I have registered with CSIRO for the STEM Professionals in Schools Program for 2018, and have partnered with a teacher from Presentation College Windsor.

In 2015, at the University of Newcastle, I was involved in the Young Mathematicians Program, under Malcolm Roberts.

I have also been active in ANZIAM, attending ANZIAM NSW/ACT branch meetings as well as serving as an ANZIAM ACT committee member. I was also the secretary of Linux Users Victoria in 2018.

I am currently a member of ANZIAM, Australian Algebra, the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the Australian Computer Society, Australian Mathematics Society, the Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia, IEEE, Linux Users Victoria, the National Space Society of Australia, the Royal Society of Victoria, and SIAM, and am an Associate Member of the Free Software Foundation.

In 2017, through the Bureau of Meteorology, I investigated the AMSI Intern program, as well as other forms of internship in high performance scientific computing. In 2018, I became a STEM Ambassador for the Bureau of Meteorology.


Service history