Combinatorics and statistics

Overlapping words in strings

I have  investigated the combinatorics and statistics of the overlapping of words in strings, leading to a book chapter [1], two integer sequences (A152139 and A152959) and the Suprangen software library. It has also resulted in a conjecture that, for all word lengths, the number of correlation classes for an alphabet of size greater than four is the same as that for an alphabet of size four. In an effort to disprove the conjecture, with Jörg Arndt, I have written and run an MPI-based C program that performs parallel combinatorial enumeration on the NCI Raijin cluster.


Publications and preprints

Integer sequences

Open source software

Conjectures, questions

Alignment-free statistics of biological sequences

The combinatorics and related statistics of words in strings is the core of my research in bioinformatics. This has led to two joint papers [1,2], and the SAFT and PySAFT software packages. The work on PySAFT includes the implementation in Python of large, sparse matrix multiplication, using either MPI4Py or NumPy Memmap.


Publications and preprints

Open source software

Clifford algebras and constructions for Hadamard matrices

I am investigating constructions for Hadamard matrices, as per my paper [1]. This resulted in a conjecture that an edge-coloured graph related to the Cayley graph of a bent function has an isomorphism that swaps the colours. I proved that twin bent functions are involved, and presented this work at the ADTHM 2014 workshop in Lethbridge [2]. In later work I showed that the corresponding bent functions have isomorphic Cayley graphs only in the first 3 cases [3]. This led to deeper work on the Cayley graphs of bent functions [4], and also to the correct formulation of the original problem on Hadamard matrices in terms of representations of Gastineau-Hills' quasi-Clifford algebras [5]. In these investigations, computer searches become prohibitively large very quickly.


Publications and preprints

Open source software