Big Barra Band

Updated May 22, 2016

Big Barra Band, formed in 2014 at Barra Centro Ester in the metropolitan are of Napoli, Italy as the featured big band after the first Paul Gaspar Master Class.

The current band is a full big band (9 brass / 5 saxes / 6 rhythm) comprised entirely of the top jazz musicians of Napoli and the members of the San Carlo Teatro Opera Orchestra.

Big Barra Band is the first big band EVER to perform on the main stage at San Carlo Teatro December 2015. (San Carlo is the oldest Opera House in Italy, built in 1737)

Paul is the music director, lead & solo trumpet, composer & arranger.

2 performances in Italy and a Christmas CD, all featuring Paul's compositions and arrangements, are currently in discussion

Photos, personnel and links to be added soon!