
Our group has regular access to fMRI scanners at the following places

fMRI Unit, Radiology Department, Scientific Institute Galeazzi, MIlan. (1.5 T)

fMRI Unit, Neuroradiology Department, Ospedale Cà Granda - Niguarda, Milan. (1.5 T)

MRI Unit, University Hospital San Gerardo - Monza (3 T)

Laura Zapparoli, Matteo Preti, Silvia Seghezzi, Eleonora Zirone, Rolando Bonandrini, Francantonio Devoto

Scanner Room at fMRI Lab IRCCS Galeazzi.

From right to left: Matteo Preti, Francantono Devoto, Laura Zapparoli, Eleonora Zirone, Silvia Seghezzi, Rolando Bonandrini.

The new 3T MRI scanner purchased by the University of Milano-Bicocca Departments of Medicine, Psychology (PI: Eraldo Paulesu) and Economics