Our Lab is the result of a collaboration between the Psychology Department of the University of Milano Bicocca, the Milan Center for Neuroscience and the fMRI Unit of the IRCCS Galeazzi, which involves a number of PhD students from Psychology and Medicine programs, and post-doc research fellows.
We explore the mind-brain relationship by using a combination of behavioral and functional or structural anatomical techniques. The main goal of the Unit is the study of the brain physiology at the level of the motor system in healthy subjects and patients affected by neurological or orthopaedic dysfunctions. To this aim, the research team takes advantage of a unique combination of cognitive, behavioural, kinematics and neuro-functional techniques primarily based on fMRI.
The Unit actively collaborates with the Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Unit (Dr Catia Pelosi), the Movement Disorders Centre (Prof. Mauro Porta and Dr Domenico Servello) and with Orthopaedic Surgery Units (Prof. Valerio Sansone, Dr Maurilio Bruno and Dr Nicola Ursino).
In 2017, we have further expanded our research interests, by building a new collaboration with Prof. Livio Luzi and the endocrinology Unit of Policlinico San Donato: we are currently studying the cognitive and neurofunctional correlates of food related behaviour in obese patients.