Transam TRITON

A single-board microcomputer from 1979

The Triton was a home computer released in late 1978 by Transam Components Ltd, a British company based at 12 Chapel Street, off the Edgeware Road in north London. Like the Apple II, the TRS-80, and the Commodore PET, the Triton was one of the very first home microcomputers. But, apart from a couple of entries in the Centre for Computing History, you won't find much information on the internet. The purpose of these web pages is to preserve something of the flavor of those far-off days. A GitHub site has been created to host some of my support codes and ROM dumps, and a fork of the excellent Triton emulator written by Robin Stuart that makes use of the SFML library. Another web site, and a Facebook group ('ETI Triton Single Board Computer') has also sprung up.

A Triton circa 1980. The main board is in the half of the grey case below the TV screen, with the other half occupied by the keyboard. A tape cassette recorder used for storage is underneath the printout in front. The Triton could be interfaced by bespoke digital electronics (home-made breadboard behind grey case), for example to drive a teleprinter. The large blue cylinders are electrolytic capacitors used for additional smoothing of the 5V power supply and connected between the rectifier and regulator.


The Triton was an 8080-based single-board microcomputer, which could eventually be expanded to use a motherboard and various expansion boards. The hardware was all 5V TTL, and typically based on 7400 series digital electronics. The firmware was contained in EPROMs and initially comprised a 1kB 'monitor' providing control, and a 1kB tiny BASIC interpreter. Later, a more sophisticated 2kB monitor and 8kB BASIC interpreter was introduced to sit on an expansion board (so-called Level 7.2 software). There was also an elusive 8kB Triton Resident Assembly Language Package (TRAP). Until recently this was thought to be lost, but a ROM dump has turned up which is included on my GitHub site. Ultimately one could expand to a 24kB PASCAL compiler, or run the CP/M operating system (I did not get this far personally).

Input was through a standard QWERTY keyboard, supplemented by some hardware interrupt keys. Output was to a standard black and white analogue TV using a dedicated hardware VDU controller chip (the Thompson SFC 96364). Storage was provided by tape cassette with an interface driven by a UART chip.


A Triton provided an LED output array which could be hijacked to drive other electronics, for example a teleprinter using a 5-bit ITA2 Baudot-type code. Conversion from ASCII and serialisation was done in software (8080 machine code). The baud rate was set by a timing loop with an elegant hack: an outer loop set the number of cycles in the timing loop and attempted to print a message including this number to the teleprinter. In the vicinity of the correct baud rate, this message would appear without errors and the correct value for the timing loop could be read off, like this :






Teleprinter connected to a Triton by a bespoke interface via one of the LED outputs.

A much more ambitious hack was to build a high-resolution graphics unit which intercepted the pixel stream between the output of the VDU controller chip and the UHF modulator. The graphics unit delivered addressable pixels at a resolution 256 x 192 — the image below shows the output from a recursive algorithm used to generate a fractal landscape drawn from triangles.

A Triton with high-resolution graphics, showing a fractal landscape drawn from triangles. In this image (circa 1985) the hardware has been rehoused in a metal cabinet. The main board would lie underneath the keyboard, with the motherboard extension contained behind, except in this picture the keyboard has been pulled forward to allow direct access to the main board electronics.

The tape cassette method of storage was so frustrating and unreliable that I later (circa 1995) hacked it to drive an RS-232 interface, first to a BBC micro, and later to a modern laptop, using a TTL-RS232 transceiver kit from MAPLIN based on the MAX232. This intercepted the 5V output of the UART before the tape cassette signal modulation stage. On the laptop side two bespoke C codes dealt with the data stream – these codes and associated material are now hosted in the above-mentioned GitHub repository.

More information is available including many of the technical manuals – copies of the manuals can also be found in Robin Stuart's GitHub repository. My own machine still exists but probably no longer functions as the IC pins oxidise and bit rot affects the 40-year-old EPROMs. Around about 1995 I took memory dumps of the level 7.2 monitor (2 x 1k blocks) and the 8k BASIC interpreter. These are available in raw binary and disassembled (flat ASCII text):

These ROM dumps are also available in the GitHub repository along with instructions how to use them with Robin Stuart's SFML emulator; and I also provide sample machine code including a Galaxian clone!

Galaxian clone running on a Triton emulator.