
Texas A&M University

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Statistics, Since 2022

PhD level:

Frontiers in Stat Research (Stat 695): 2024 Fall

Probability for Statistics (Stat 614, PhD required qualification exam course): 2023 Fall, 2024 Fall

Undergraduate level:

Principles of Statistics II (Stat 212): 2023 Spring, 2024 Spring

Mathematical Statistics I (STAT 414): 2022 Fall

University of Washington, Seattle

Research Associate, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, 2018-2019

Independent instructor of Master level:

CFRM 550 (Stochastic Calculus for Quantitative Finance), 2019 Spring

CFRM 505 (Monte Carlo Methods in Finance), 2019 Winter

CFRM 504 (Options and Other Derivatives), 2018 Fall

University of California, Santa Barbara 

Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Statistics and Applied Probability, 2018

Independent instructor of upper undergraduate level :

PSTAT 120B (Probability and Statistics), 2018 Summer 

Lecture note independently developed for 120B (focus on Statistics): Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Teaching Associate, Dept. of Statistics and Applied Probability, 2016 & 2017

Independent instructor of upper undergraduate level :

PSTAT 120A Online (Probability and Statistics), 2017 Summer 

PSTAT 130 (SAS Base Programming), 2016 Summer 

Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Statistics and Applied Probability, 2014-2018

Time Series, Risk Theory, Math Finance, Applied Stochastic Process, SAS Base Programming, Probability and Statistics, Statistics for Economics