Completed papers

"A Green Switch in Time Saves Nines: Assessing the Environmental Damage of the European Truck Cartel",  joint with Christophe Charlier and Ilona Dielen. Paper presented at EAERE 2023, Cyprus; FAERE 2023, Montpellier; AFED 2023, Nice; AFSE 2024, Bordeaux.

"Carpooling Pricing Strategies in France: The Driver vs. the Platform"joint with Thierry Blayac and Jules Duberga. Paper presented at UAB Barcelona seminar, May 2023; Econ. seminar at HEC Liège, June 2023; EWGT 2023, Santander, Spain

"Ex-ante versus Ex-post in Competition Law Enforcement: Blurred Boundaries and Economic Rationale", joint with Oliver Budzinski, and Frédéric Marty, 2023. Presented at AFED 2023, Nice. GREDEG Working Paper No. 2024-18


Blayac, Thierry, and Patrice Bougette. 2024. "An Analysis of Intermodal Competition and Multiproduct Incumbent’s Strategies in the French Market: What Drive High-Speed Trains' Prices and Frequencies?", Transport Policy, in press (working paper here)

Blayac, Thierry, and Patrice Bougette. 2023. "What Can Be Expected from Mergers after Deregulation? The Case of the Long-Distance Bus Industry in France", Review of Industrial Organization, 62(1): 63-97 (working paper here)

Bougette, Patrice, Marty, Frédéric, and Patrice Reis. 2023. “Abuse of Economic Dependence.” In Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, edited by Alain Marciano and Giovanni Ramello, 1–4. New York, NY: Springer New York. 

Bougette, Patrice, Oliver Budzinski, and Frédéric Marty, 2022. "Self-Preferencing and Competitive Damages: A Focus on Exploitative Abuses", The Antitrust Bulletin, 67(2), 190-207

Bougette, Patrice, Axel Gautier, and Frédéric Marty. 2022. "Business Models and Incentives: For an Effects-Based Approach of Self-Preferencing?", Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 13(2): 136–143. 

Bougette, Patrice. 2022.Merger Remedies.” In Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, edited by Alain Marciano and Giovanni Ramello, 1–4, 2nd ed., New York, NY: Springer New York. 

Bougette, Patrice, Axel Gautier, and Frédéric Marty. 2021. "Which Access to Which Assets for an Effective Liberalization of the Railway Sector?", Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 22(2): 87-110.

Bougette, Patrice, and Frédéric Marty. 2021. "Approche économique des restrictions verticales : une défense du cas par cas." Concurrences, 3-2021 

Blayac, Thierry, and Patrice Bougette. 2020. “Le marché des bus longue distance en France : ouverture, consolidation et perspectives intermodales.Transports - Infrastructure & Mobilités, 521, mai-juin 2020, 38-42.

Bougette, Patrice, Oliver Budzinski, and Frédéric Marty. 2019. “Exploitative Abuse and Abuse of Economic Dependence: What Can We Learn From an Industrial Organization Approach?Revue d’économie politique 129 (2): 261-286. 

Bougette, Patrice, and Christophe Charlier. 2019. “Energy and State Aid in the EU: An Overview of EU and National Case Law.” E-Competition Bulletin.

Bougette, Patrice, and Christophe Charlier. 2018. “Antidumping and Feed-In Tariffs as Good Buddies? Modeling the EU-China Solar Panel Dispute.” The Energy Journal 39 (6): 171–88. 

Blayac, Thierry, and Patrice Bougette. 2017. “Should I Go by Bus? The Liberalization of the Long-Distance Bus Industry in France.” Transport Policy 56 (May): 50–62. 

Bougette, Patrice, and Christophe Charlier. 2016. “La difficile conciliation entre politique de concurrence et politique industrielle : le soutien aux énergies renouvelables.” Revue Économique 67: 185–200. 

Bougette, Patrice. 2016. “Discrete Choice Models.” In Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, edited by Alain Marciano and Giovanni B. Ramello, 1–2. New York, NY: Springer New York.

Smuda, Florian, Patrice Bougette, and Kai Hüschelrath. 2015. “Determinants of the Duration of European Appellate Court Proceedings in Cartel Cases.” Journal of Common Market Studies, 53 (6): 1352–69. 

Bougette, Patrice, and Christophe Charlier. 2015. “Renewable Energy, Subsidies, and the WTO: Where Has the ‘Green’ Gone?Energy Economics 51 (September): 407–16. 

Bougette, Patrice, Marc Deschamps, and Frédéric Marty. 2015. “When Economics Met Antitrust: The Second Chicago School and the Economization of Antitrust Law.” Enterprise & Society 16 (2): 313–53. 

Bougette, Patrice, Kai Hüschelrath, and Kathrin Müller. 2014. “Do Horizontal Mergers Induce Entry? Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry.” Applied Economics Letters 21 (1): 31–34. 

Blayac, Thierry, Patrice Bougette, and Christian Montet. 2014. “How Consumer Information Curtails Market Power in the Funeral Industry.” European Journal of Law and Economics 37 (3): 421–37. 

Bougette, Patrice. 2013. “L'analyse économique des stratégies en matière de concentrations.” In Stratégies d’instrumentalisation Juridique et Concurrence, edited by V. de Beaufort, H. Bouthinon-Dumas, F. Jenny, and A. Masson, 145–59. Bruxelles (Belgique): Larcier.

Beaud, Mickaël, Thierry Blayac, Patrice Bougette, Soufiane Khoudmi,, Philippe Mahenc, and Stéphane Mussard. 2013. Estimation du coût d'opportunité des fonds publics pour l'économie française. Rapport pour le Ministère de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer - Commissariat Général au Développement Durable, November 2013.

Bougette, Patrice, and Frédéric Marty. 2012. “Quels remèdes pour les abus de position dominante ? Une analyse économique des décisions de la Commission européenne.” Concurrences 3-2012: 30–45.

Bougette, Patrice, Marc Deschamps, and Christian Montet. 2012. “Le premier retrait d’autorisation de concentration pour non-respect des engagements en France : l’opération d’acquisition TPS et Canal Satellite par Vivendi Universal et Groupe Canal Plus.” Revue Lamy de La Concurrence 30: 111–25.

Bougette, Patrice, Frédéric Marty, Julien Pillot, and Patrice Reis. 2012. “Exclusivity in High-Tech Industries: Evidence from the French Case.” European Competition Journal 8 (1): 163–81. 

Bougette, Patrice. 2010. “Preventing Merger Unilateral Effects: A Nash--Cournot Approach to Asset Divestitures.” Research in Economics 64 (3): 162–74. 

Bougette, Patrice, Frédéric Marty, Julien Pillot, and Patrice Reis. 2010. “Appréciation des clauses d’exclusivité par les autorités de la concurrence : le cas des marchés de haute technologie.” Concurrences 3-2010: 65–74.

Bougette, Patrice. 2009. “Analyse et limites de l'évaluation rétrospective d'une concentration.” Revue Internationale de Droit Économique 23 (2): 159–73. 

Bougette, Patrice, and Florent Venayre. 2008. “Contrôles a priori et a posteriori des concentrations : comment augmenter l'efficacité des politiques de concurrence ?Revue d’économie Industrielle 121: 9–40. 

Bougette, Patrice, and Stéphane Turolla. 2008. “Market Structures, Political Surroundings, and Merger Remedies: An Empirical Investigation of the EC’s Decisions.” European Journal of Law and Economics 25 (2): 125–50. 

Bougette, Patrice. 2007. “Vers un développement d'études ex post en matière de concentration.” Revue Lamy de La Concurrence 12: 165–69.

Bougette, Patrice, Loraine Donnedieu de Vabres-Tranié, Christian Montet, and Florent Venayre. 2006. “Stratégie et droit de la concurrence : une enquête auprès de grandes entreprises françaises.” Revue de La Concurrence et de La Consommation 144: 2–10. 

Bougette, Patrice, Christian Montet, and Florent Venayre. 2006. “L’efficacité économique des programmes de clémence.” Concurrence et Consommation 146: 43–48. 

Bougette, Patrice, Christian Montet, and Florent Venayre. 2006. “Jeux de négociation dans les affaires antitrust : engagements et transaction.” Concurrence et Consommation 146: 50–56. 

Bougette, Patrice, Christian Montet, and Florent Venayre. 2006. “L’adaptation légale de la stratégie d’entreprise aux contraintes du droit de La concurrence.” Revue de La Concurrence et de La Consommation 144: 11–23.

Bougette, Patrice. 2005. “Doutes sur les remèdes non structurels dans le contrôle des concentrations.” Revue Lamy de La Concurrence 2: 9–15.

Other ongoing research

"Licensing, Acquisition or Copy? How do Platforms Integrate Startups’ Innovation?", joint with Axel Gautier. Paper presented at 3EN 2024, Rennes.

"La mobilité en zones peu denses : quelles pistes pour les jeunes actifs ?",  joint with Thierry Blayac and Ikram Ettafki. Paper presented at RFTM 2024, Bruxelles

"Competition Law Enforcement in Dynamic Markets: Proposing a Flexible Tradeoff between Fines and Behavioral Injunctions" joint with Frédéric Marty and Simone Vannuccini. Presented at AFED 2023, Nice