UPCM-PGH Interns’ Feedback on ROJoson’s Template on Case Management Presentation-Discussion and Sharing of Info – July 7, 2012 Interns’ Hour

Clint Guitarte; Jozen Eke; Virgi Lea Esquivel; Vaneza Leah Espino; Suzanne Ilagan

Feedback of Students (July 7, 2012 – Interns’ Hour)

For the template, go to – http://casemgtpresentationdiscussionsharingofinfo.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/guidelines-and-format-on-case-management-presentation-discussion-and-sharing-of-information-june-30-2012/

I. The template designed by Dr. Joson is a practical and helpful guide for any case management. In my personal experience of using the template, i was guided to create a discussion that is patient centered hence practical. With the template, diversion of the discussion to a general/theoretical approach is somewhat minimized.

II. Using a new template for a case management conference such as this one was particularly a challenging yet an enlightening feat. Challenging in the sense that it was something new to adjust to. We had to follow an outline we were not accustomed to which made it all the more fulfilling after the presentation knowing that we did okay. It was all worth it after realizing that we did learn a lot more with the new outline in terms of managing cases. It went over and beyond the usual case discussion which most of the time did not relate to the case of the patient.

This new template is a different perspective worth looking into for future case management conferences. Although it does need a little getting used to.

III. using the template made by Dr. Rey Joson made the comprehension of the case more easier. it is an efficient tool because nothing is left out in the discussion of a case.

IV. The template by Dr. Joson helped us understand and discuss the case of our patient in detail and in a logical and organized manner. it helped us put into words how we decide or should decide in terms of diagnosis and management for our patient/s.

also, with this template, it made us realize the things we often miss out or forget in our daily or regular encounter with patient/s: being patient-centered (not ‘case-focused’).

we thank Dr. Joson for sharing this template to us. we hope Dr. Joson permits us to use it to our other future case management-discussions, even in other rotations.

V. On July 7, 2012, during our Intern’s Hour, we were given the task and privilege to use Dr. Joson’s template on case management presentation and discussion–sharing of information.

As feedback on the template, I am recommending its usage based on three points: necessity, practicability, and beneficiality.

(1) Necessity – Given the nature of how Medicine is taught and learned, we cannot overemphasize the importance and necessity of case management presentations and discussions.

As such, a template like this may be considered a necessity to better facilitate interactive learning such that the flow of the presentation reflects what happens in practice. Through this, the presentor imparts wisdom on a particular case while the audience learns and the audience can provide feedback based on their own experiences in practice.

(2) Practicability - More often than not, if we are given a particular topic or case to report about, the dilemma is choosing which information is pertinent and in what manner or orderdo we present it. Based on my experience, this template has proven to be a practical tool which provides us with a structured outline, paving way for producing a report which isstraightforward and relevant without sacrificing content.

(3) Beneficiality – As mentioned, the template serves as a tool to facilitate learning–in effect, this benefits firstly, the presentor, then the audience, and finally the reactor (e.g. professor). By using the template, the presentor not only presents data. Rather, the presentor processes and analyzes the data first before actually presenting it. This is when the presentor learns most–that is, the presentor must understand WHY a particular treatment option has been decided on a patient (based on benefit, cost, availability, etc), instead of merely presenting WHAT options are available. The audience also benefits and learns from listening to a presentation following this template because there is smooth flow of information and again, it represents issues in actual practice. Lastly, the reactor benefits from this template such that an easier and more objective criteria for evaluation is also provided.

Although admittedly, our group found the task difficult at first, precisely because of the amount of information we had to process and analyze in order to come up with the data needed to fill out the tables in the template, during the latter part of the preparation, organizing the report became much easier and coming up with a decision (e.g. treatment option) became rational.

Overall, usage of the template for case presentations is highly recommended based on necessity, practicability and beneficiality. On a personal note, I would like to thank Dr. Joson for allowing us to use his template for our report.

BLOCK L Surgery Interns

Clint Guitarte; Jozen Eke; Virgi Lea Esquivel; Vaneza Leah Espino; Suzanne Ilagan

The members of the block – July 7, 2012
