Research Projects

Research Projects

Our Urban Integrated Field Lab has the goal of addressing the following questions: Which processes and variables need to be captured in regional scale hydrological and atmospheric models so that they are representative of the conditions experienced by local communities and help inform adaptation strategies?  And how can we understand the linkages between and within natural, built, and social systems in urbanized regions to better support natural and human resilience? Our Urban IFL (SETx-IFL) is located in Southeast Texas, specifically the Beaumont-Port Arthur region . This urban area represents the climate adaptation needs, population diversity and vulnerability, and ecological richness that characterize many urban centers along the Gulf Coast. Beaumont has experienced continued urban expansion and increased impervious cover over the past several decades; these changes have likely led to increased urban heat island effect and reduced capacity to absorb rainwater, exacerbating existing climate risk. In addition, the Beaumont, Port Arthur area is home to one of the nation's largest petrochemical industrial complexes, which make it more vulnerable to climate-induced disasters capable of significant air toxics releases, in addition to chronic air toxic exposures that can raise the risk of cancer and other adverse health outcomes. The long-term goals for this SETx-IFL are to provide quantitative understanding of projected climate change impacts across SETx-IFL in a way that is generalizable to other regions and improve the practice of resilience science and community resilience through new and generalizable theories of change validated in SETx-IFL. To achieve these goals, this SETx-IFL coordinates numerous disciplines, scholars, and community stakeholders toward the short-term goals of a) integrating new data, methods, and models about the interactions among natural, human-built, and social systems; b) increasing our understanding of interdependencies, mutual benefits, and trade-offs of different wellbeing outcomes for humans and the environment; c) co-producing knowledge with stakeholders; and d) centering concepts of social equity in urbanized regions across spatial and temporal scales.  

Funding: DOE

Collaborators: Lamar University, Oak Ridge National Lab, Prairie View A&M, and Texas A&M

News coverage: Inside Climate News, Bridging Barriers, The University of Texas at Austin

Delta-X: Enabling Deltas to Thrive in Century of Rising Seas 

Delta-X studies the Mississippi River Delta in the United States, which is growing and sinking in different areas. To measure the movement of water and soil in the region, Delta-X conducts two simultaneous campaigns: (i) An airborne campaign with three instruments: UAVSAR, AVIRIS, and AirSWOT; (ii) A field campaign with boats and boots on the ground to take measurements. 

Funding: NASA, Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS-3) program 

Collaborators: JPL and many others - check out the website!

Student: Sara Karimaghaei

Post-doc:  Muriel Bruckner, Carmine Donatelli

Learn more about the Delta-X mission

How do rivers interact with their floodplains?

River-floodplain connectivity controls the transport of water, solutes, and solids through fluvial systems, thus impacting the functioning of rivers, storage of carbon on floodplains, floodplain sedimentation, and ecosystem functioning. Floodplain complexity is visible and detectable from lidar data; quantifying how and at what scale this complexity affects connectivity mechanisms is key to improving our understanding of river-floodplain processes. We combine an extensive collection of field observations, lidar data sets, numerical modeling, and advanced tools for feature extraction and analysis, to quantify river-floodplain connectivity of the Trinity River, TX. We are also studying river-floodplain connectivity in the Rio Grande River, TX, and its implications for agriculture. 

Funding: National Science Foundation

Collaborators: David Mohrig (Jackson School of Geosciences)

Students: Nelson Tull

Example of river-floodplain connectivity in the Trinity River modeled with the hydrodynamic model ANUGA coupled with the Lagrangian particle tracking module dorado.  Figure credit: Nelson Tull. 

Real-time flood inundation mapping to improve community resilience 

Floods are among the most damaging natural disasters; every year, many areas in Texas and other parts of the US and the world are severely affected by flooding, resulting in damage to properties, infrastructure, and residents’ livelihoods. Despite decades of research on flood modeling, simple and computationally efficient solutions are still not available to first responders, emergency managers, and residents. We provide solutions to this problem by relying on high resolution topographic data and advanced methods for feature extraction (GeoFlood). 

Funding: NOAA Adaptation Strategies; FEMA (Pin2Flood)

Pin2Flood Collaborators: David Maidment, Harry Evans, David Arctur, Christine Thies, Daniel Hardesty Lewis (TACC), Yan Lu (ORNL)

NOAA Collaborators: Patrick Bixler (UT), Liv Haselbach (Lamar University), Hamed Moftakhari (University of Alabama)

Student: Mark Wang

In the news: KUT, UT Austin

Example of methods and products in Jefferson County. Rose Hill Acres straddles Highway 96/69/287 approximately 10 mi north of Beaumont, TX. The area includes a mobile home community, a large Coca-Cola employer, a riverside residential area, and state infrastructure. Local residents evacuated as Harvey caused flood waters to rise at a peak rate of 0.15 m/hour. Left: Flood inundation map generated by GeoFlood from lidar data at 1m resolution. Right: NOAA aerial flood imagery. The inundation estimated by GeoFlood refers to conditions observed on 8/29, but the flight was on 9/2, after the flood waters were receding (due to cloudy conditions during the event). Figure credit: Robert Schomp. 

How do networks (rivers, roads, people...) interact during floods and other hazards?

In planning and emergency situations, river networks and governance networks interact: people interact with the environment and the environment responds to community’s modifications. Particularly during and in response to emergencies, when interactions can be fast and overlapping, they can affect a community’s safety and its capability of recovering from damage. Mechanisms by which this complex system of interacting networks functions during an emergency, in fact, control our ability to respond to natural events and recover from them (be resilient). However, knowledge of interacting networks is at its infancy, predominantly due to the lack of data and mathematical approaches to analyze such complex systems and to gaps in knowledge about human behavior and socio-cultural differences. In this project we model and explore these interactions by developing a so-called multiplex framework for the analysis of interacting networks of natural/hydrological and social systems in risk governance (planning and preparation) and during emergency response for floods and other hazards.

Funding: Planet Texas 2050

Collaborators: Patrick Bixler (LBJ School of Public Affairs and Community and Regional Planning)

Student: Matt Preisser

Multiplex network approach to hazard preparedness and response. Left: a multiplex network of topography, rivers, storm sewers, and roads. Right: Artistic interpretation of this project by Champ Turner  representing a multiplex network approach to study the interaction of topography, river networks, urban infrastructure, social networks to improve preparation and response to floods and other hazards. 

How do we improve flood predictions?

This project leverages a new network of radar sensors placed across the State of Texas to improve flood predictions. We are using the stage and velocity measurements to understand hysteresis patterns in rivers, quantify the performance of the National Water Model via comparison to the observations, and improve model predictions via Data Assimilation. 

Funding: Texas Department of Transportation

Student: Sujana Timilsina

Error analysis of the National Water Model based on events over one year. The events are selected based on flood frequency analysis. Left: Mean annual discharge at USGS gauges. Right: RMSE at USGS gauges. 

Can we model the subsurface from surface network information?

Surface connections, such as those among channels in river networks, are important for understanding the development and evolution of landscapes, such as densely populated coastal river deltas. Connections in the subsurface are critical in understanding groundwater flow and solute transport. Preferential flowpaths, in fact, can quickly deliver contaminants to water supply wells, a particularly important problem in densely populated coastal areas. Establishing a quantitative link between surface and subsurface patterns will greatly advance our capability to predict the movement of contaminants in groundwater, thus improving access to clean water and limiting pollution and health risks. We propose to investigate quantitatively how the dynamics of surface networks create subsurface networks, and thus determine how surface information can be used to predict properties of the subsurface. This will enable us to better predict sustainability and manage water resources in densely populated deltas such as the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, where high concentrations of arsenic are widespread in the groundwater of the upper delta, and salinity problems are pervasive in the lower delta. 

Funding: National Science Foundation (2017-2022)

Collaborators: Jay Hariharan, U. Delaware: Holly Michael and Tymon Xu;  U. Minnesota: Chris Paola, Austin Chadwick; Queen's University: Elisabeth Steel

Numerically simulated delta using the model DeltaRCM [Liang et al., 2015; 2016a; 2016b] and two 'subsurface' realizations created by repeating the surface network or randomly shuffling the surface information. 

Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Multi-scale modeling and observations of landscape dynamics, mass balance, and network connectivity for a sustainable Ganges-Brahmaputra delta

This project combines innovative quantitative tools (numerical modeling, network and connectivity analysis) with new and existing observational data to analyze the coupled human-natural system and long-term sustainability of the GBMD. Specifically, we will (i) develop a detailed mass balance for delta-wide sediment dispersal; (ii) quantitatively analyze the connectivity of the delta-system network that disperses this sediment; (iii) integrate this knowledge through numerical modeling at local to global scales; (iv) use observational data of landscape and channel dynamics to understand coupled land-sea interactions; (v) evaluate the quality of regional soil and water resources and their links with physical and anthropogenic processes; (vi) assess the impact of these delta dynamics on the human environment and transportation, and finally (vii) disseminate this knowledge through a variety of educational activities and opportunities for students, researchers, and professionals. The Passalacqua group will focus on the network and connectivity analysis. 

Funding: National Science Foundation (2017-2021)

Connectivity analysis of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta (reproduced from Passalacqua [2017]). 

Quantifying heterogeneity in stratigraphy across scales

The sustainability of coastal river-deltas is impacted by a multitude of natural and anthropogenic factors, including a limited understanding of subsurface flow patterns. Geological heterogeneity strongly influences flow pathways and thus rates of contaminant transport and groundwater aquifer recharge, which limits our ability to sustainably manage water resources and mitigate health risks in river-delta environments. Smaller-scale subsurface heterogeneity due to channel and bedform dynamics (of less than 1 m) is typically under-constrained, because it is below the resolution that can be imaged by existing geophysical techniques. Theory and some evidence suggest that stratigraphic sequences may be scale invariant, which opens a pathway to constrain smaller-scale heterogeneity via observation of larger-scale heterogeneity. This project directly addresses the question: can patterns and information gleaned from subsurface heterogeneity at one spatial scale be used to constrain uncertainty at another scale? Specific objectives are to 1) rigorously investigate scale invariant properties of stratigraphy, and 2) integrate these findings into a quantitative method to constrain subsurface heterogeneity. The project uses a combination of approaches, including field measurement, numerical modeling, statistical data analysis, and machine learning. 

Funding: National Science Foundation EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship (2020-2022)

Post-doc: Andrew Moodie

Collaborators: Jef Caers (Stanford University)

Example of a model run in DeltaRCM, showing the (a) delta planform morphology and the trace (pink line) of (b) a circular-strike section through the modeled stratigraphy. (c) Synthetic stratigraphic column extracted from the section, and (d) a subsection from that column. Figure credit: Andrew Moodie. 

Open source tools for automatic delta network extraction from remotely sensed data

As part of the Delta Connectome, CoastalSEES, and surface-subsurface projects, we have developed fully automatic tools for the extraction of channel networks from remotely sensed imagery. RivaMap and CRV-Analysis are based on a multi-scale singularity index, while DeepWaterMap and DeepRiver are Convolutional Neural Network models. 

RivaMap: An Automated River Analysis and Mapping Engine

DeepWaterMap: A Deep Learning Based Surface Water Mapper

DeepRiver: A Deep Learning Based River Network Extractor

CRV-Analysis: Channelized River Variance Analysis

Extraction of delta networks with RivaMap - an example from the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta. 

The Delta Connectome: Structure and Transport Dynamics of Delta Networks across Scales and Disciplines

Human-induced activities and climatic shifts are significantly impacting deltas around the world. A quantitative description of the form and structure of deltas and their dynamics is fundamental to address how they react to changes in climatic forces and human pressure. As part of this project, we are creating a research/educational framework, the Delta Connectome, based on the general idea of a delta as a directed network of connected paths (physical, functional, and conceptual paths of process coupling) which interact continuously at a broad range of space and time scales and dictate system response to change. Specific goals of this project are (i) the objective quantification of delta morphologic features (channel and island properties) to identify the signature of vegetation, anthropogenic disturbance, and processes responsible for delta formation and evolution; (ii) the development of an automatic image processing-based tool for the extraction of relevant information from remotely sensed data in order to apply the analysis in (i) to a wide range of delta morphologies; (iii) the identification of the environmental controls on channel network and shoreline dynamics through coupled analysis of the extracted features through time and time series of environmental forcings; (iv) the quantification of strength, directionality, statistical significance, and scale of couplings among key variables and the effect of anthropogenic disturbance and change on such couplings.

Funding: National Science Foundation  (2014-2020)

Structural, functional, (process-based) and process connectivity in river deltas (reproduced from Passalacqua [2017]). 

Feature extraction from high resolution topography data 

The advent of meter-resolution topographic data is revolutionizing the study of geomorphic processes. For the first time, the topographic patterns of surface flow, channelization, and landsliding can be resolved over large areas at resolutions commensurate with the scales of the governing processes. We apply new methods of geomorphic feature extraction and morphological analysis (GeoNet) to a large inventory of lidar DTMs in combination with detailed ground validation at key watersheds. We use the extracted information to improve inundation mapping over the continental US. We additionally use GeoNet as technique for hydro-flattening of high resolution topography data.  

Funding: National Science Foundation (2011-2014);  and United States Department of Agriculture 

Dynamics, resiliency, and sustainability of river deltas

River deltas represent a major Earth-surface system with societal need. Low-lying, ecologically productive, and inhabited by millions of people, deltas also lie directly in the path of a confluence of ongoing changes: nutrient overloading from agriculture; accelerated subsidence and sea-level rise; effects of land use and navigation; and changing hydrology and sediment supply. The overall objective of this project is to develop tested, high-resolution, quantitative models incorporating morphodynamics, ecology, and stratigraphy to predict river delta dynamics over engineering to geologic time-scales, and to specifically address questions of system dynamics, resiliency, and sustainability. The collaboratory comprises two main work centers: a field observatory and a virtual modeling center, together with supporting experimental facilities. The observatory is at Wax Lake Delta, an actively growing delta about 100 km west of the main Mississippi Delta birdsfoot. The virtual modeling center is hosted by the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) at University of Colorado, where it can contribute to an evolving library of modules for computation and visualization of geomorphic and sedimentary systems, including access to many of the existing delta models. This project is in collaboration with Dr. David Mohrig and Dr. Wonsuck Kim (UT Austin) and other 11 PIs at several US institutions. 

Our research group is focusing on the flow exchange between channels and islands and the controls exerted by vegetation, topography, and environmental forcing on channel-island hydrological connectivity. 

Funding: National Science Foundation (2011-2018)

Example of field observations and numerical modeling performed at the Wax Lake Delta to quantify channel-island and process connectivity.