Semester II

Analysis of Major Characters: Wuthering Heights

An orphan, brought from Liverpool at Wuthering Heights by Mr. Earnshow. He is intensive love with Catherine, Mr. Earnshow’s daughter. After the death of Mr. Earnshow his son Hindley abuses Heathcliff for his father’s death and treats him as a servant. Catherine doesn’t marry Heathcliff and she marries with Edgar Linton as Read more...

Poems of Meena Kandasami

1st Poem: Another Paradise Lost Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by John Milton in 17th Century. It is considered as one of the greatest literary works in the English Language. It has the Biblical story of the fall of Read more...

E – C – 203 Literary Criticism

Deconstruction: Alex Thomson

Deconstruction Defined:

Deconstruction is a philosophically a skeptical approach to the possibility of coherent meaning in language, initiated by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida in a series of works published in 1967, and It was adopted by several leading literary critics of United States – nearby the French philosopher Jacques Derrida in series of works published in 1967 and it was adopted by several leading literary critics of the US – notably at Yale University – from the early 1970s onwards. Derrida claims that the domination Western Tradition is of thought and has attempted and established the grounds of certainty and truth by repressing limitless instability of language. The tradition Read more...

Themes, Motifs and Symbols in Middlemarch: Themes: The Imperfection of Marriage:

Love is the central characteristic in any marriage. It is because of love people marry. Most characters in Middlemarch marry for rather than anything else. Marriage and its pursuit are main concerns in Middlemarch, but unlike many other novels of the same time, marriage is not considered as the ultimate source of happiness. Two examples are failed marriages of Dorothea and Lydgate. Dorrothea’s marriage fails because of Read more...

E – E – 205 Cultural StudiesNew Historicism and Cultural Materialism

New Historicism is a method that focuses on parallel reading of literary and nonliterary texts, of usually of similar historical period. The term ‘New Historicism’ was coined by Stephen Greenblatt, an American critic. The same kind of work was found in the works of several critics during the 1970s. It offers a scope of study of a text as a text without being biased about its historical background. In this study system all texts are given equal weight and constantly inform and interrogate Read more...