Newest Sky Puppy
After several months of hard work and determination, Matthew completed all of the requirements set forth by the Astronomical League to be certified as a Sky Puppy. To receive consideration for certification Matthew followed the following criteria (copied and pasted from Sky Puppy Manual).
Sky Puppy Projects:
Must draw by freehand 15 constellation patterns (with or without
stick-figures and not necessarily from memory)
Without aids or assistance, must be able to positively identify in the
night sky the same 15 constellations
Must be able to identify and briefly describe any major stars or
naked-eye objects in each constellation (i.e. "Betelgeuse is a red
super-giant star", or, "that fuzzy patch is the Andromeda galaxy")
Must be able to tell 2 different traditional constellation stories from a cultural tradition of the child's choice.
Must be able to use binoculars to locate and identify 5 deep-space
objects from this list suited to binocular observing.
M42, the Orion nebula
M31, the Andromeda galaxy
Albireo, a double star in Cygnus
The large and/or small Magellanic Clouds
The Pleiades
The Hyades
a Globular cluster
The Beehive
Must be able to identify and describe the Milky Way
Must be able to find the North Star (or the Southern Cross)
Must keep a log of all observations. Each entry must provide object,
date, naked-eye or binocular, and notes.
Must draw a rough sketch of one of the following:
Jupiter with as many of the 4 Galilean moons as you can see
The sun with sunspots
A crater on the moon
Unless otherwise specified, all images included in this web page were taken by Tom or Matthew Connor and are the property of the same.