

1. Information Design through Scarcity and Social Learning  (with N. Vikander), Journal of Economic Theory (2023), 207, pp. 105586

2. Optimal Sales Schemes for Network Goods (with N. Vikander), Management Science (2019), vol. 65(2), pp. 819-841.

3. Shopping Malls, Platforms and Consumer Search (with M. Titova), International Journal of Industrial Organization (2018), vol.58, pp. 183-213.

         Supplementaty material: Quasi-concavity proof

4. Non-Reservation Price Equilibria and Consumer Search (with M.C.W. Janssen and An. ParakhonyakJournal of Economic Theory, (2017), 172: pp. 120-162.

5. Non-Reservation Price Equilibria and Search Without Priors (with A. Sobolev),  The Economic Journal (2015), 125(584): pp. 887-909. 

6.  Drugs, Guns and Targeted Competition (with A. Dubovik), Games and Economic Behavior (2014), vol. 87, pp. 497-507.

7.  Oligopolistic Competition and Search without Priors, The Economic Journal (2014), vol. 124(576), pp. 594-606.

8.  Consumer Search Markets With Costly Revisits (with M.C.W. Janssen), Economic Theory  (2014)vol. 55(2), pp. 481-514.

         Online appendices for this paper: Technical Proofs for Wolinsky Model SectionA Note on General Case of Wolinsky Model with Costly Re-Visits

9. Price Matching Guarantees and Consumer Search (with M.C.W. Janssen), International Journal of Industrial Organization (2013), vol. 31(1), pp. 1-11.

          Online appendices for this paper: A Note on Asymmetric Equilibrium, A Note on N-firm Case

Working Papers

1.  Scarcity and word-of-mouth communication (with N. Vikander) 

2. Persuasion without Priors (with A. Sobolev)

3. Escalating Games (with A. Dubovik)

4. Same Sex Marriage: The Great Equalizer (with S. Popov)

5. Temporal Patterns in Economics Research (with  A. Dubovik and C. Fiedler)

Work in Progress

1. Repeat Search (with A. Rhodes)

2. Monopoly prices under competition with zero consumer search cost (with M. Peitz and A. Sobolev)

Shelved Projects

1. Advertising and Fixed Sample Search (with V. Pavlov)

2. Service Refusal and Mistreatment in Regulated Markets for Credence Goods (with M.C.W. Janssen)