Curriculum Vitae

English CV in PDF

Greek CV in PDF


Professor of Economics, January 2016 – Current

Academic Director, Wheeler Institute for Business and Development, January 2017 – today

LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL, Economics Department



Research Fellow, July 2008-present

CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH (CEPR), International Macroeconomics Program

Joint Managing Editor, Review of Economic Studies, September 2021 - Current 


Hal Varian Visiting Professor of Economics, September 2019 – June 2020

MIT, Department of Economics

UBS Center Visiting Professor of Economics,  September 2017December 2017

Univesrity of Zurich 

Associate Professor of Economics, July 2012 – January 2016

LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL, Economics Department

Assistant Professor of Economics, July 2007 – June 2012

DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, Department of Economics


Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, September 2010 – June 2012

HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Department of Economics


Economist, September 2005-June 2007

EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK; DG-Research, Financial Research Division


Faculty Research Fellow, May 2011 – December 2016

NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH (NBER), Political Economy (PE); International Macroeconomics and Finance (IFM) Program


Ph.D. in Economics, October 2005.

LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL, Economics Department

Thesis Title: “Essays on the Political Economy of Economic and Financial Development”


Masters in Public Policy and Administration (MPA), May 2001

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)

Concentration: International Economics


LL.B. Bachelor’s in Law, September 1999







 1.    The Greek Justice System. Collapse and Reform (with S. Karatza), Chapter 12 in Beyond Austerity. Reforming the Greek Economy. Editors C. Meghir, C. Pissarides, N. Vettas, and D. Vayanos,  MIT Press, Fall 2017.

·         In Greek. Ελληνική Δικαιοσύνη. Κατάρρευση και Μεταρρυθμίσεις. Κεφάλαιο 12. Πέρα από την Λιτότητα. Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης. Δεκέμβριος 2017.

2.      The Scramble for Africa and its Legacy. (with S. Michalopoulos). In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Palgrave Mc Millan. Winter 2016.

3.      Needed: A European Institution Union. in “How to Fix the Eurozone. Views of Leading Economists. Editors. R. Baldwin and F. Giavazzi. VOX E-book. February 2016.

4.      Eurozone’s Original Sin? Nominal rather than Institutional Convergence. In The Eurozone Crisis: A Consensus View of the Causes and a Few Possible Solutions. Editors. R. Baldwin and F. Giavazzi. VOX E-book. September 2015.

5.      Institutions, Finance, and Economic Activity: Views and Agenda. June 2013; Chapter 19 in The Social Value of the Financial Sector: Too Big to Fall or Too Big? Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

6.      Trust(ing) in Europe?  June 2013. Center for European Policy Studies Report

7.      Financial Integration and Risk Sharing: The Role of Monetary Union (with S. Kalemli-Ozcan, Simone Manganelli, and Jose-Luis Peydro), in The Euro at Ten: 5th European Central Banking Conference 13-14 November 2008, February 2010.

8.      Costs and Benefits of Running an International Currency (with R. Portes); European Commission on the Status of the European Economy. European Economy Economic Papers 348. November 2008.

9.      The International Role of the Euro: A Status Report. (with R. Portes). Chapter 3 in EMU@10. European Commission, DG-EC/FIN, 2010.

10.  Financial Development and Inter-sectoral Investment (with A. Ciccone); September 2008, Moneda y Credito, Special Issue of Bank of Spain Annual Research Conference.

11.  Finance and Growth: A Macroeconomic Assessment of the Evidence from a European Angle. Chapter 2 in Financial Institutions and Markets: A European Perspective. X. Freixas, P. Hartmann and C. Mayer (eds.), 2007, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

12.  The role of financial markets and innovation in productivity and growth in Europe (with P. Hartmann, F. Heider, and M. Lo Duca) Chapter 4 in Financial Institutions and Markets: A European Perspective. X. Freixas, P. Hartmann and C. Mayer (eds.), 2007, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. (ECB Occasional Paper 72, 2007)