Technical reports

Here the list of technical reports written during my employment at COSBI.

  • C. Damiani and P. Lecca, A novel method for parameter sensitivity analysis of complex stochastic systems, Technical Report PP-001-2012, 2012.
  • P. Lecca, Visualizing the analysis of biochemical kinetics models, PP-001-2012, 2011.
  • P. Lecca and A. Ihekwaba, L. Dematté, and C. Priami, Spatio-temporal dynamics of reaction diffusion systems: stochastic simulation of the bicoid gradient in Drosophila embryo, Technical Report 5/2010, 2010.
  • P. Lecca and C. Priami, Deterministic chemical chaos, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 12/2009, 2009.
  • P. Lecca, A. Palmisano and C. Priami, Inferring kinetic parameters and their variances from a time series of concentrations, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 10/2009, 2009.
  • P. Lecca, A. Palmisano, C. Priami and A. Ihekwaba, A noise-robust method for parameter inference in biochemical network models: an NF-kappaB case study, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 08/2009, 2009.
  • P. Lecca and A. Palmisano, Inferring the kinetic constants of cyclin-triggered Cdc20 gene expression from mRNA experimental time-course data, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 02/2009, 2009.
  • P. Lecca, On the mathematical structure of chemical kinetic models, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 01/2009, 2009.
  • P.Lecca and S. Teso, Notes on stochastic simulation of chemical kinetics with cycle-leaping, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 19/2008, 2008.
  • P. Lecca, A. Palmisano and C. Priami, Inferring rate coefficients of biochemical reactions from noisy data with KInfer, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 17/2008, 2008.
  • P. Lecca, L. Demattè and C. Priami, Modeling and simulating bio-molecule diffusion in non-homogeneous solutions. Diffusive spatial effects on chaperone-assisted protein folding: a case study, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 16/2008, 2008.
  • P. Lecca, A. Palmisano, C. Priami, and G. Sanguinetti, Calibration of biochemical network models, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational and Systems Biology, Technical Report 13/2008, 2008.
  • I. Fronza and P. Lecca, Solving a system of Master Equations for parallel chemical interactions, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational ans System Biology, Technical Report 21/2007, 2007.
  • P. Lecca, G. Sanguinetti, A. Palmisano and C. Priami, A new model for kinetic parameter estimation in biochemical reactions, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational ans System Biology, Technical Report 20/2007, 2007.
  • P. Lecca. W. F. Ooi, and C. Priami, Rate sensitivity analysis of a Beta binders model of lymphocyte recruitment control mechanism, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational ans System Biology, Technical Report 18/2007, 2007.
  • P. Lecca and M. Lecca, Molecular mechanism of energy metabolism in astrocytes: a parametric model from FDG- PET images, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational ans System Biology, Technical Report 07/2007, 2007.
  • P. Lecca, Simulating a faulty mechanism of protein folding in the pathogenesis of familial Parkinson's disease, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational ans System Biology, Technical Report 06/2007, 2007.
  • P. Lecca, L. Dematté, and C. Priami, Simulating reaction-diffusion with state-dependent diffusion coefficients, The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Center for Computational ans System Biology, Technical Report 04/2007, 2007.