5th PAM Users Meeting

The 5th PAM users meeting will take place on Thursday evening, 19 October, 2017, at 6:00 PM in Room 305B of the Raleigh Convention Center at the upcoming AAAR meeting. If you or members of your group plan to attend, please let me know (if you have not already done so): https://beta.doodle.com/poll/eby9yd7yfvsf694s

Agenda (updated 18-Oct-2017):


Andy Lambe - Welcome and overview of recent publications using the PAM oxidation flow reactor

Zhe Peng, Weiwei Hu, Brett Palm, Jose Jimenez - Result technical results and recommendations from our OFR work

Chris Lim - Mini chamber studies and comparisons to oxidation flow reactors and large environmental chambers

Jay Slowik - PAM/chamber comparisons for GDI vehicle emissions

Andy Lambe - Updates on Aerodyne PAM oxidation flow reactor: Developments, Best Practices & Issues