1. Aubele, K., Bachtadse, V., Muttoni, G., and Ronchi, A. (2014) Paleomagnetic data from Late Paleozoic dykes of Sardinia: Evidence for block rotations and implications for the intra‐Pange megashear system: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 1684–1697. DOI 10.1002/2014GC005325

  2. Dela Pierre F., Clari P., Natalicchio M., Ferrando S., Giustetto R., Lozar F., Lugli S., Manzi V., Roveri M., Violanti D. (2014) Flocculent layers and bacterial mats in the mudstone interbeds of the Primary Lower Gypsum unit (Tertiary Piedmont basin, NW Italy): Archives of palaeoenvironmetal changes during the Messinian salinity crisis. Marine Geology, 355, 71-87.

  3. Kuroda J., Yoshimura T., Kawahate H. Jimenez-Espejo F.J., Lugli S., Manzi V., Roveri M. (2014) Evaporation of marine basins: a review of evaporite formation and Messinian Salinity Crisis. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 120-6, 181–200.

  4. Mattei M., Muttoni G., and Cifelli F. (2014) A record of the Jurassic massive plate shift from the Garedu Formation of central Iran. Geology, 42, 555-558.

  5. Muttoni G., Mazza M., Mosher D., Katz M.E., Kent D.V., Balini M. (2014) A Middle–Late Triassic (Ladinian–Rhaetian) carbon and oxygen isotope record from the Tethyan Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399, 246–259.

  6. Muttoni, G., Tartarotti, P., Chiari, M., Marieni, C., Dallanave, E., Kirscher, U., Rodelli, D. (2014) Paleolatitudes of Late Triassic radiolarian cherts from Argolis, Greece: insights on the paleogeography of the western Tethys. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, in press.

  7. Natalicchio M., Dela Pierre F., Lugli S., Lowenstein T.K., Feiner S.J., Ferrando S., Manzi V., Roveri M., Clari P. (2014) Did the Late Miocene (Messinian) gypsum precipitate from evaporated marine brines? Insights from the Piedmont Basin (Italy). Geology, 42-3, 179-182

  8. Roveri M., Flecker R., Krijgsman W., Lofi J., Lugli S., Manzi V., Sierro F.J., Bertini A., Camerlenghi A., De Lange G., Govers R., Hilgen F.J.,Hübscher C., Meijer P.Th., Stoica M. (2014) The Messinian Salinity Crisis: past and future of a great challenge for marine sciences. Marine Geology, 352, 25-28.

  9. Roveri M., Manzi V., Bergamasco A., Falcieri F.M. , Gennari R., Lugli S., And Schreiber B.C. (2014) Dense shelf water cascading and Messinian canyons: a new scenario for the Mediterranean salinity crisis. American Journal of Science, 314, 751-784.

  10. Roveri M., Lugli S., Manzi V., Gennari R., And Schreiber B.C. (2014) High-resolution strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Messinian deep Mediterranean basins: implications for marginal to central basins correlation. Marine Geology, 349, 113-125.

  11. Topper R.P.M., Lugli S., Manzi V., Roveri M., Mejers P.Th. (2014) Precessional control of Sr ratios in marginal basins during the Messinian salinity crisis? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15-5, 1926–1944.

  12. Satolli S., Pace P., Viandante M.G., Calamita F. (2014), Lateral variations in tectonic style across cross-strike discontinuities: An example from the Central Apennines belt (Italy), International Journal of Earth Science, Volume 103 (8), 2301-2313.