CV (P.E. Klug)

Professional Experience:

2015 to present: USDA-APHIS-WS National Wildlife Research Center, Research Wildlife Biologist & Station Leader for the North Dakota Field Station; NDSU Affiliate Graduate Faculty, Dept. of Biological Sciences Adjunct Faculty

2013-2015: U.S. Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center, Research Ecologist for the Invasive Species Science Branch - Invasive Reptiles Project

2010-2012: University of Notre Dame, Assistant Director of University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center - West

2005-2009: Kansas State University, Graduate Teaching Assistant (PhD)

2003-2005: University of Nebraska at Omaha, Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant (MS)


2009 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biology, Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 - Interactions between grassland birds and their snake predators: the potential for conservation conflicts in the tallgrass prairie.

2005 Master of Science (MS) in Biology, University of Nebraska Omaha, NE 68182 - The effects of grassland patch and landscape characteristics on the activity and abundance of predators of grassland birds

2001 Bachelor of Science (BS) Major: Environmental Science & Policy Minor: Biology Drake University Des Moines, IA 50311


The Wildlife Society, Certified Wildlife Biologist (2020)

Master Bander, U.S. Geological Survey, Bird Banding Laboratory

Remote Pilot Certificate, US Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration.

Certified Pesticide Applicator, North Dakota Department of Agriculture, Fargo, ND.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Commercial Agricultural Aircraft Operator under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 137 with Special Authority for Certain Unmanned Aircraft Systems (49 U.S.C. §44807) (Exemption No. 18690), Jessica Duttenhefner Chief Supervisor of Operations. 

Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics (2008) Kansas State University Department of Statistics, Manhattan, KS 66506

Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Certification (2014) American Heart Association, USGS Fort Collins Science Center, Fort Collins, CO

Job Related Training:

2024 - Science Communication Workshop led by the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science. Hosted by North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.

2016 - Risk Communication. Hosted by USDA-APHIS, Fort Collins, CO

2015 - Negotiation Skills for Natural Resource Professionals: Building a Foundation. Hosted by the United States Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, Fort Collins, CO

2014 - Species Distribution Modeling Workshop. Hosted by Resources for Advanced Modeling at United States Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, Fort Collins, CO. Species distribution modeling for invasive tegu lizards (Tupinambis spp.) in the United States, Team expert

2014 - Structured Decision Making Workshop (ALC3159). Hosted by U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the National Conservation Training Center, Shepardstown, WV. Optimizing Early Detection and Rapid Response for Burmese Pythons at Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge, Team expert

2013 - Department of the Interior Large Constrictor Science and Management Workshop. Hosted by the National Park Service, Homestead, FL

2009 - Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow Hunting Awareness Program. Hosted by the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation and the Wildlife Management Institute at Ringneck Ranch, Tipton, KS

Teaching Experience:

University of Notre Dame:

†*Avian Biology BIOS10114 Lecture – 3 credit hours (Spring 2012)

†*Practicum in Environmental Biology BIOS 35503-01 Lecture/Lab – 6 credit hours (Summer 2010-2012)                                                 

Lead = Avian Biology; Co-lead = History of the West, Mountain Community Ecology, Grassland Ecology, Native American Culture; Mentored 8 undergraduates per summer in independent, ecological research projects

  *Intro to Practicum in Environmental Biology BIOS 35503-02 Lecture – 2 credit hours (Spring 2011-2012)

Kansas State University:

   Ornithology BIOL543 Lab – 3 credit hours (Spring 2007-2010)

  *Principles of Biology BIOL198 Lecture/Lab – 3 credit hours (Fall 2006-2009, Spring 2010)

   Wildlife Management and Techniques BIOL684 Lab – 3 credit hours (Spring 2006)

   General Botany BIOL210 Lab – 3 credit hours (Fall 2005)

University of Nebraska:

   Intro Biology BIOL1020 Lab – 3 credit hours (Spring/Fall 2003)

   Ecology BIOL3340 Lab – 3 credit hours (Spring 2003)

 *Courses for which I was responsible for lectures; †Courses for which I designed the curriculum

Professional Service:

Affiliations: The National Chapter of The Wildlife Society (2003-present); The North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society (2016-present); Cooper Ornithological Society (2003-present); American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, (2014-2015)

Manuscript Reviewer: Biological Conservation, Conservation Biology, Animal Behaviour, Journal of Wildlife Management, Ecology and Evolution, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Evolutionary Applications, Auk, Journal of Field Ornithology, Copeia, Journal of Herpetology, and Herpetological Journal

Associate Editor: Ornithological Applications