The Lion Den


Meets the 1st Monday of the month as a Den, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

Meets the 4th Monday of the month with the Pack, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

What is expected of my Lion Scout and me?

Parents are expected to attend all meetings and participate with their Scout!  While Lions, parents are also expected to consider their talents and volunteer to plan and lead at least part of an adventure.

What do we need?

    1.  Each Scout needs to purchase a Lion t-shirt, neckerchief, and workbook from the Heart of Virginia Scout Shop

    2.  With your Scout, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide

    3.  Complete a Medical Form, Parts A and B, for every participating member of your family

The Tiger Den

First Grade

Meets the 1st and 2nd Monday of the month as a Den, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

Meets the 4th Monday of the month with the Pack, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

What is expected of my Scout and me?

Parents are expected to attend all meetings and participate with their Scout!

What do we need?

    1.  Each Scout needs to purchase a blue uniform shirt, blue belt, Pack numerals, Den numerals, other required patches per the Scout Shop Staff and rank handbook from the Heart of Virginia Scout Shop

    2.  If you are brand new to Scouting, you will also need to purchase your rank neckerchief

    3.  With your Scout, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide

    4.  Complete a Medical Form, Parts A and B, for every participating member of your family

The Wolf Den

Second Grade

Meets the 1st and 2nd Monday of the month as a Den, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

Meets the 4th Monday of the month with the Pack, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

What is expected of my Scout and me?

Parents are expected to attend all meetings and participate with their Scout!

What do we need?

    1.  Each Scout needs to purchase a blue uniform shirt, blue belt, Pack numerals, Den numerals, other required patches per the Scout Shop Staff and rank handbook from the Heart of Virginia Scout Shop

    2.  If you are brand new to Scouting, you will also need to purchase your rank neckerchief

    3.  With your Scout, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide

    4.  Complete a Medical Form, Parts A and B, for every participating member of your family

The Bear Den

Third Grade

Meets the 1st and 2nd Monday of the month as a Den, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

Meets the 4th Monday of the month with the Pack, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

What is expected of my Scout and me?

Parents are expected to attend all meetings and participate with their Scout! Please ensure your Scout reads the Adventure ahead of time for the Den meetings.

What do we need?

    1.  Each Scout needs to purchase a blue uniform shirt, blue belt, Pack numerals, Den numerals, other required patches per the Scout Shop Staff and rank handbook from the Heart of Virginia Scout Shop

    2.  If you are brand new to Scouting, you will also need to purchase your rank neckerchief

    3.  With your Scout, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide

    4.  Complete a Medical Form, Parts A and B, for every participating member of your family

The Webelos Den

Fourth Grade

Meets the 1st and 2nd Monday of the month as a Den, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

Meets the 4th Monday of the month with the Pack, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

What is expected of my Scout and me?

Parents are expected to attend all meetings and participate with their Scout! Please ensure your Scout reads the Adventure ahead of time for the Den meetings.

What do we need?

    1.  Each Scout needs to purchase a khaki uniform shirt, green belt, Pack numerals, Den numerals, other required patches per the Scout Shop Staff and rank handbook from the Heart of Virginia Scout Shop

    2.  If you are brand new to Scouting, you will also need to purchase your rank neckerchief

    3.  With your Scout, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide

    4.  Complete a Medical Form, Parts A and B, for every participating member of your family

The AOL Den

Fifth Grade

Meets the 1st and 2nd Monday of the month as a Den, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

Meets the 4th Monday of the month with the Pack, 6:30pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church

What is expected of my Scout and me?

Parents are expected to attend all meetings and participate with their Scout! Please ensure your Scout reads the Adventure ahead of time for the Den meetings.

What do we need?

    1.  Each Scout needs to purchase a khaki uniform shirt, green belt, Pack numerals, Den numerals, other required patches per the Scout Shop Staff and rank handbook from the Heart of Virginia Scout Shop

    2.  If you are brand new to Scouting, you will also need to purchase your rank neckerchief

    3.  With your Scout, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide

    4.  Complete a Medical Form, Parts A and B, for every participating member of your family