Comprehensive Project


* Students are expected to demonstrate at a satisfactory level their knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcome areas:

1.) Effective oral and written communication skills

2.) Identify and apply concepts and principles of best practice to facilitate adult learning

3.) Understanding of social and cultural issues in developing learning communities

4.) Ability to access, assess and use information to improve practice

5.) Ability to reflect critically on one's own practice and professional development

6.) Commitment to leadership for the common good

7.) Integration of knowledge and experience into practice

Abstract painting "Blue Breath Morning" by Paul Pulszartti, [Acrylic on canvas] Image used with permission...

* All work must be related in some way to the improvement of the learning and development of adult learners.

Your work should be aimed at a problem or issue in the field of Postsecondary, Adult, and Continuing Education and should offer the potential for improving practice in the field.

* Your project should be appropriate for a professional audience that is interested, but may or may not be fully informed on the topic and related literature.

* You are expected to identify forums beyond the ELP department where your Comp work might be shared (work colleagues, professional meeting presentation, newsletter, journal, etc.).

* You will need to demonstrate your understanding of the broader foundations of education by incorporating learning from the ELP Professional Studies Core course.

* In the preamble of your Comp project, you are to reflect on your learning relative to the PACE learning outcomes.

* You are expected to draw on and reference the relevant literature in the field, including theory, research, and exemplary practice. 

* You will have 15 minutes to present your project and 5 minutes for discussion and questions. In your presentations, you are expected to demonstrate effective presentation skills, including effective use of time and technology.

* The project will be assessed by the student's Comprehensive Examination Committee, which is comprised of the faculty member of record for the PACE Comp course and a second faculty member selected by the student. The assessment criteria and scoring rubrics the committee will use to evaluate the comprehensive examination project are included in the syllabus. 

            Your written project should include:

* Description of the problem your paper or project addresses and why it's important

* The audience(s) for your paper/project and where you plan to share your work

* What you already know about the problem (from the literature)

* A description of the approach and/or intervention to the problem you will use

* Findings and results and what they may signify 

* Implications and recommendations for policy, practice, and/or future research