Portland State University

     Graduate School of Education

Specialization in Post-secondary, Adult and Continuing Education (PACE) FALL 2013

Theresa Kennedy-DuPay at the PSU Masters, Hooding Ceremony, 

Friday, June 13th, 2014, with Professor Andy Job 

of the Graduate Education PACE Program. 

Theresa Kennedy-DuPay at the PSU Masters Hooding Ceremony, 

Friday, June 13th, 2014, with Professor Dilafruz Williams of the                                                                                     

Graduate Education PACE Program. 

                PACE Mission Statement

To develop adult educators who are able to anticipate and respond to the changing 

developmental issues of diverse adult learners, organizations, and communities.

              PACE Guiding Principles and Values

The PACE specialty is guided by a specific set of principles and values 

that is infused into course content and interactions with and expectations of students:

* A commitment to social justice and equity.

* The empowerment of change agents and agency.

* The integration of theory, research, assessment, and practice.

* The promotion of sound educational, social, economic, cultural, 

    ethical, and environmental leadership and decision-making.

* The development of reflective practitioners.

* The fostering of learning within inclusive, interdependent communities.

* The utilization of appropriate and contemporary resources and technology.

* Leveraging of multiple paradigms and perspectives to inform decision-making 

    for the collective good.

                PACE Learning Outcomes

As a result of successfully completing the program, all graduates are expected to demonstrate 

competence in the following areas:

Understand foundational concepts regarding individual learners across intellectual, emotional, 

and cultural dimensions. (LEARNER UNDERSTANDING—Knowledge)

Apply the research and theoretical concepts of epistemology, pedagogy, and performance to individual 

educational practice. (LEARNER FACILITATION—Application)

Understand foundational concepts (historical and current) of the organizational policies and procedures, 

alternate learning formats, and external forces that influence learning environments. 


Apply the research and theoretical concepts of learning environments to individual practice 

through the creation of equitable policies and programs, individual and group professional development, 

and sustainable organizational practices. (LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS—Application)

Effectively use oral communication, written communication, research/assessment techniques, 

and technology appropriate to educational practice. (SKILLS)

          Graduate School of Education Conceptual Framework