Overlap (photo on desktop) Wallpaper
Version 3.0.3
Dated 05 Feb 2024 

Freeware, Portable.  Does NOT contain any ADS.
(c) 2011-2024 Anand K Gupta

See Changes for changes history.
See Screen Shots for settings and tray icon images.
See Feature & Tips for the feature list and some tips of the application.

A new Lite version is added in Download section.
It has same features except the advance feature of move and resize using the right mouse button.
It was a request from an user using Adobe Photoshop were it was interfering with it.

Description (of the application) :

Displays a photo on the desktop wallpaper in overlap manner, so that one can have the photo of loved ones on different wallpaper images on desktop. The overlapped photo can be sized and positioned on desktop as required. The photo can be made semi transparent. PNG image with transparent color is supported. Photo can be reloaded after every given seconds, allowing you to use another program to overwrite the image file and auto show it.

Benefits (of using it) :

I like to have my family photo on my desktop (who don't). Now sometime I come across a good nature image as desktop wallpaper (I like nature, abstract etc.). To have my loved ones photo over the nature's wallpaper, I open up image editor, adjust the two images, save and set as wallpaper, done. In another few months, I find a breath taking image of water fall and want it as my wallpaper. Open image editor, and ... done. When I need to change the family photo with the latest naughty one of my son, I look for the image editor, and ... done.

Well as a developer, somewhere inside me I was not feeling good. I wanted the benefit of both worlds and in automated manner.

Googling gave me many freeware wallpaper changers and some with collage facility. All these does the job but not as I required. I wanted the wallpaper to change the main background image but keep my family photo overlapped on it.

I made one, which does as required. It shows the given image overlapped on the existing desktop wallpaper. Further one can use a wallpaper changer and have the loved ones photo always overlapped on different wallpaper images.

My colleagues, who wanted the same but could not use image editor properly, love it. We all have our religious photo (looks like we all turn religious as the pay day nears), overlapped on different wallpapers on all our desktop now.

Reviews (of the application) :

Install and uninstall (on computer) :

To install, extract the zip file in a folder, say "Overlap Wallpaper", and run the "Overlap Wallpaper" exe.

To uninstall, right click on tray icon of "Overlap Wallpaper" and select 'Exit'. Then delete all files in the "Overlap Wallpaper" folder and remove the "Overlap Wallpaper" folder.

To make this program start with Windows, please check below link for the steps to add shortcut of a program into the startup folder in more details, each accompanying with visual image.


Anti-Virus reports malware (what to do?) :

Delete the exe and it's folder. There is nothing we can do as this is false alert and we do not have resource to request all Anti-Virus companies to update their database. Similar problem is faced by small developers worldwide, check below links,

Nir's Blog

DowloadSquad's report

You can see the last scan result of the exe from Virus Total web site and will find that major Anti-Virus report it as clean.

Similar applications (if any) :

DesktopPic : https://lesferch.github.io/DesktopPic/

Contact (for feature request, bug report etc.) :

Go to Feedback page to check latest feature request and submit your feedback.

You can also email me for sending screen shot of your problem with this software.

Freeware (why?) :

As a developer, we work for commercial ventures in our day jobs, and code something more personally interesting in our spare time. We get more pleasure in making the application, which in turn helps us in our day to day activity and may also benefit others. We use freeware software made by other developers, so we feel happy if we are able to make small contribution to this freeware community.

If you are happy using the app, you can show your appreciation by donating here.

Hope you will find this software useful.

