
    • Display a different image over the desktop wallpaper.

    • The image display size can be set to small or large than the original.

    • The image can be made semi transparent.

    • The image can be set at any location on the desktop.

    • PNG image photo with transparent color is supported.

    • Image can be reloaded after every given seconds.

    • Displays a default image on first run (v.2.0.1 onward) with message how to change it.

    • Hide the tray icon (v.2.5.0 onward). Set 1 to hide and 0 to show. This option is not available in 'Settings' menu option but changes to be made directly in the ini file.

    • Full screen option (v.2.6.0 onwards) displays the photo covering the desktop and its icons. It auto adjust to current screen resolution on each start.


    • Copy the app in a new folder, say OW2 and run the exe from it too. Now you can have two different overlapped wallpapers on the desktop. (thanks to Dr. Luis Parabuac Sr.).

    • PNG image photo with transparent color is displayed properly. If the transparent area is wrongly displayed, use hex color value for black (000000) or white (FFFFFF) in Transparent color setting (v.2.0.1 onwards). Please note that alpha channel of PNG may not display correctly, as it supports gradient transparency.

    • You can also make a color transparent in JPG image file. Just enter the hex color value in Transparent color setting (v.2.0.1 onwards). Please use a color picker program or image editor to get the hex color value from the image.

  • You can replace the the photo image file from different program and run OW again, it load the new photo without any prompt.