Matrioshka - commercialization


Matrioshka, large version, in Paris, France


The project is about building the economic support around the Matrioshka prototype for local distribution and service. 

Matrioshka is an outdoor interactive, artistic and functional hardware furniture, which brings several functions and technologies/sensors embedded, and offers numerous possibilities of collaboration with artist, software engineers and other backgrounds people.

The launch market is "event sponsorship" and "Art/Cultural installation".

Matrioshka, Small version, at the SENSORICA Montreal lab. 

Product: Urban furniture that supplies its own energy.

Conceived by: Quatorze



The Matrioshka project is participatory: people contribute to the project in exchange of swet equity, which will provide access to benefits. 

For the moment, log your contributions HERE

NOTE: We are installing an NRP-VAS for the project. We are also working on the benefit redistribution agreements. 

Tools, Coordination and Facilitation

Open Trello board

Open Slack - need to be invited

Open Matrioshka Connections FB page 

See pictures on Google Photos


FOLDER Matrioshka Connections - Commercialization [permission required]

FOLDER Quatorze - 3D design and modeling [permission required]

SENSORICA's docs [electronics and software development]

Matrioshka, Small version, folds into a box!